auntie loving

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** Auntie kaliya POV ***

My beautiful niece opened up the door. She looked just like my twin big sister. I smiled before saying anything. She just looked at me like she saw a ghost.

Maybe she just being reminded of her mother. I walked up to her and gave her the biggest hug in the world what possible. She put her head on my shoulder and just cried she cried her little heart out.

" hey baby I miss you how is things for you"? She asked

She invited me into the house. We went into the kitchen and started talking about everything. It was so many questions and so much to be said.

She didn't even know nothing about me. So I know what's about to happen that is going to be really surprise to her. I asked her to have a seat because I have someone I wanted her to meet.

My phone ring and I tell her to come inside the house. I can tell by Camilla face that she was really confuse. She sat down at the table.

while waiting to see who I just told to come in to her home. The door open and Camilla jaw just dropped. She stood up and walked over to her slowly.

" hi im camron your twin but I go back cami"......


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