Childhood friends

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In Musutafu, Japan

A girl was born in July 23, you were wailing signifying that you were born. Two adults infront of you crying "Such a beautiful child you have, Ma'am"  the mid-wife commented after seeing your face despite the blood you still have

"Can I hold her?" The female lying at the bed asked "Of course" the child was still wailing in her arms but when you felt warmth incased you and hear heartbeats thumping beside your left calmed you down

The man at her left scooted closer after the mid-wife placed you in your mother's arm, the couple still in tears. You felt a roughed yet gentle hand held onto your small ones "Hello, Hikari" the man whispered softly afraid he might scare you after you stopped crying

The girl giggled at the wind you unknowingly hold his finger and waved it around. The couple smiled at the small action, dried tears on their face. The mid-wife left you three to bask in your presence, in the comforting silence that you gave for them. Enjoying the moment they momentarily forget the problems and hardships they went through to have you. The camera turned to you still holding your dad's finger while a small smile appeared on your face with your eyes closed, then a snap was heard.


The couple was watching the TV while you play with your toys infront of them. In your right hand was a plushie, you waved it around and then threw it across the room you tilted your head at the plushie when you put your hands on the floor and tried standing up. The couple still watching the news on All Might "He is still working huh" the woman sighed "Well what would you expect with the No. 1 Hero, Akiko" the man replied

The man saw you in the corner of his eyes and his eyes widen dropping the popcorn in his hand "Akiko..." the man still frozen his mouth agape "Yes, Yukio?" She turn her head towards her husband and saw he was looking at something and followed his sight and saw you walking towards the toy you threw "Oh .... My God! She's already walking!?!" The couple jump off the couch they were sitting on, the popcorn flying around the couch and the couple kneeled down in each side of you. Yukio puts his hand under your armpits then stood up to spin you around "My Baby is walking!!" Yukio in tears "Hey! She's my baby too" Akiko stealing you from her husband and walk towards the couch and sat on it she placed you on her lap with your back facing it "Who's a good girl" she cooed, while playing with your tummy.

You giggled these two couples should have baby fever by now "Awww" Yukio now sitting beside his wife putting his arm on the back pillows of the couch. He softly smiled at the Mother-Daughter moment infront of him "I'll protect you" he looks towards you and saw you looking at him his smile widens "I promise" holding his finger out for you to play on


Akiko was cooking for lunch while Yukio was sipping his coffee while reading a newspaper in the dining room. You ran towards them unbeknowst to them and yourself "Papa!" Yukio heads perks up by the sound while Akiko stops cutting onions. "Akiko did you hear that?" Yukio commented on the unknown sound "She said Papa she wants me for attention!!" Yukio celebrated raising his hand

"NO, she said mama" Akiko was quick to reply, now facing her husband with her hands on her hips. "MAMA!" Akiko's senses shoots up, her hands moving on it's own and grabs unto something "wha- what?" Yukio looking at her "What is it?" now worried for his wife "I just grab unto something" his wife replied, Yukio's eyebrowed creased then turn to the invisible thing she's holding

He transforms to his demon form. Then his eyes widen "Hikari?!?" Yukio exclaimed "PAPA" the invisible being now revealed to be you. You giggled at their shocked face apparently your mom was too shocked that she dropped you. Yukio tried catching you but then you did the unexpected

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