Introduction to Azeron

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Magic System

Magic is gained through the cycle of reincarnation. When a powerful magic user, a Dracecean, dies, their power is bestowed upon a newborn child who has the potential to eventually harness such magic when they grow older. Sometimes, when a powerful Dracecean dies, their power is lost in a newborn child, resulting in an Amite, a being who does not possess magic. There is little known concerning if a child will become a Dracecean or Amite, but one thing is for certain: Amites are frowned upon and are usually killed once it is discovered that they cannot wield magic.

When magic is lost from a reincarnation cycle, it becomes Surgai, magic on the surface. This magic helps fuel abilities that Dracecean can use, as well as allowing them to wield their weapon if it utilizes any magic. This magic, though helpful to the Dracecean subspecies Keiju and Esmon, is actually harmful to the Verinen subspecies. Verinens are at risk of having both their physical and magical energy gained from reincarnations lost if they are exposed to Surgai, which will result in death, hence why many Verinen live underground, where Surgai isn't a threat to them.

Magic Terms

Surgai- Magic found on the surface. It is usually simply referred to as magical energy to those who do not know of the magic found underground. Most races are able to tolerate and use it for their physical skills and abilities of their weapons.

Mirene- The magic found underground. Verinens are the only race known to be able to tolerate the dense amount of energy, and their abilities are stronger when making use of such energy.


Dracecean- Beings who possess magical energy through the reincarnation system. They can be humans, Keiju, Verinen, or Esmon, as long as they can make use of Surgai or another source of magic.

Keiju- Elves. They primarily dwell in Cineian Forest, away from humans. There are five bloodlines of Keiju, each skilled in wielding a specific type of weapon and have features distinguishing them from the other bloodlines:

Rosenrough- Classic Keiju, with perfect features and unimaginable beauty. Talented with bows and arrows.

Moreen- Characterized by their slightly to fully tanned skin and white freckles across their cheeks. Talented with blades (swords, axes, daggers, etc.).

Wynrett- Characterized by their taller figure and rounded ears, as well as dull-colored eyes. Talented with fists.

Fielnon- Characterized by their bright eyes and white skin. Talented with staves.

Kuu- Characterized by their extremely pale, almost white, skin and eyes that faintly glow at night, along with their slender bodies and well-built figures. Talented with spears.

Verinen- Vampires. They primarily dwell in Ravenheart Hollow, protected from Surgai. There are four bloodlines, each varying in strength, lifespan, and resistance to Surgai.

Ravieve- The strongest Verinens, immortal and almost fully immune to Surgai.

Saulon- The next-strongest Verinens, living from ten to one-hundred centuries, with mild immunity to Surgai.

Aubellon- The weaker Verinens, living from one to ten centuries, with little immunity to Surgai.

Villane- The weakest Verinens, living for at most one century, with no immunity to Surgai.

Esmon- Users of magic who can manipulate the elements. There are nine bloodlines, each with control over a certain element as well as a robe and glove color matching the element they control. They usually each tend to dwell in one of the nine kingdoms.

Fodel- Manipulators of fire. They don red robes and orange gloves. Primarily found in Aegia.

Wrine- Manipulators of water. They don navy blue robes and light gray gloves. Primarily found in Ceterra.

Irinian- Manipulators of ice. They don light blue robes and white gloves. Primarily found in Nokodia.

Eaidae- Manipulators of earth. They don green robes and dark brown gloves. Primarily found in Beryn.

Asine- Manipulators of air. They don light blue robes and beige gloves. Primarily found in Khovalon.

Tielia- Manipulators of thunder. They don yellow robes and dark gray gloves. Primarily found in Sterith.

Drokander- Manipulators of darkness. They don violet robes and black gloves. Primarily found in Etaithen.

Lililid- Manipulators of light. They don golden robes and white gloves. Primarily found in Luimesha.

Grinleon- Manipulators of gravity. They don black robes and dark purple gloves. Primarily found in Zador.

Amite- A human who cannot wield magic. Deemed useless and unimportant in a world where magic is at the center of everything, many Amites are killed when they are very young from the moment it is known they cannot make use of Surgai and/or Mirene.

The World

Azeron- A collection of nine kingdoms across three separate land masses.

Nokodia Dynasty- The westernmost kingdom, bordered by Aegia and Etaithen. Currently ruled by the Levine family.

Kingdom of Aegia- A large kingdom bordering Nokodia, Etaithen, and Zador. Currently ruled by King Alexavier and Queen Celia. The Keiju that dwell in the Cineian Forest each have their own ruler for their separate bloodlines but respect the King and Queen.

Grand Duchy of Zador- A northeastern kingdom bordered by Aegia. Currently ruled by Duchess Evangeline. No one knows if she is aware of the illegal activity happening in the collection of cities underground, but she eagerly welcomes the Esmon who practice in the kingdom's open, barren fields year-round.

Etaithen Empire- A southern kingdom bordered by Nokodia and Aegia. Currently ruled by Emperor Nox and Empress Luna.

Republic of Ceterra- A small kingdom, surrounded by the Carovell Sea. Though currently ruled by the Cromwell family, Mykel Cyfrin rules the Verinens that dwell in the kingdom's underground chasms, and commands a network of talented spies from the kingdom.

Luimesha- A northwestern kingdom bordered by Khovalon, Beryn, and Sterith. Currently ruled by King Rheagal and Queen Seraphina.

Khovalon Stratocracy- A southwestern kingdom bordered by Luimesha and Beryn. Currently ruled by two twins, Aurelia and Caelum Stellari. Though their ascension to the throne is questioned by many, they are known as the two most powerful and respected rulers of the kingdom to date.

Geniocracy of Beryn- A kingdom bordered by Luimesha, Khovalon, and Sterith. Currently ruled by a council of eight mages, each excelling in a certain type of magic: Nature-based, divination, conjuring, psychic, life and death, creature-exclusive, magitech, and eclectic/uncommon.

Sterith Federation- The easternmost kingdom, bordered by Luimesha and Berlyn. Currently ruled by Queen Isolde.

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