An Explaination Part 1

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I had many stories here on Wattpad. I deleted them all. People were getting hurt,myself included. Since November,I have gone through hell,and I dragged some people with me. To put it plainly, God put on my brakes,put me in reverse,and told me to trade vehicles. Please read this with an open heart and it is my sincere hope that you will be interested in my next work. But it will be very different than what came before.                                                                                                            The story will be about a normal family-no Immortals,vampires,or alternate universes. No rock stars or erotica-sorry,I know that was my thing-but there will be lots of love and you will see some similarities in structure. The core family,the Johnsons,will remind you of another family I wrote about in some ways. This time there will be a father and mother,two sons,a brother,and in laws. Each chapter will be narrated by a character and be about the same length. The family will be well-to-do and live under one roof. I'm writing them to be the family I wish I would have had.   Another thing similar yet different is that this will be a Christian story. Not in passing,but as the heart of the story. God's been dealing with me a lot lately,especially in the last week. I have been in spiritual warfare like I can't explain. Above everything I have ever wanted-love,security,stability,health,beauty-I want to spend eternity in Heaven. I think this is what He wants me to do to make up for some of the things I've said and done. Also this is my way to show the world-or at least a few readers-how wonderful life can be when you let God come first. I fell sick on Easter Sunday. Maybe this is my resurrection.                                                                                           To the people I hurt or embarrassed,I am sorry from the bottom of my heart. My apology to you is the promise I will never write another word to bring shame. To anyone. Not all of my characters will be Saved,so just as in life,sin will pop up to cause trouble and strife,and there will be "cuss words" but there will be no blasphemy. Just read for yourself,and do as you feel led. May the Lord bless everyone who reads my efforts,starting now.

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