Chapter 5

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Third person pov:

What a lovely day to have a tea party even though I always arrange it everyday but who can stop me from doing it?

However today seems like it's not my day since......


"Sigh Let me be blunt for a second......THE HECK ARE YOU DOING HERE IN MY BOUNDARY!?"

Y/n stood up from his chair and yelled at the uninvited guest who was giving him a sinister grin while y/n grew a tick mark around his head

"Um hello? Are you gonna answer my question? Oi! At least say something you fool!"

Having enough of this tantrum he went back to sit with his arms crossed meanwhile the so called uninvited guest stare in amusement and gave him a slight chuckle

"Aw~ come on now n/n. Is this how you treated your guest? How disappointing~"

Hearing this statement made y/n pissed but knowing he was right about it made him sigh and just stared at them blankly

"At least let me know why you're here and second I didn't invite you at all tsukasa!"

"Hehe~ I just wanted to see you n/n chan plus I'm bored~"

Tsukasa let out a whine and floated towards y/n,snuggling on his right arm while y/n just gave him a deadpan look

"That's it? Seriously tsukasa can't you just hang out with your assistant?"

Y/n calmly stated while taking a sip on his tea and tsukasa pouted at him when y/n didn't give him some attention

"My assistant already left and what about you? I can see that your assistants already went home too"

He stated,watching y/n calmly sipping his tea without even looking back at him

"Yeah they already did but that still didn't answer my question as to why you are here?"

Frustrated tsukasa picked up some of those cookies which are already in front of him so he easily grabs one and munches it

"Didn't I already tell you that I miss you"

Y/n Pov:

Remind me why did I befriended him again? Well......he keep saying that he knew me and we used to be friends before even though I already told him I never knew him but there's this feeling like he was telling the truth


"Here ya go you little mokke! And be sure to share some for the others alright"

Handing them a bag of candies for them to stop stealing things from the other people I figured out to just gave them some candies and even if I told them to stop stealing they still can't follow to one of my command but knowing them they can't help it either since you know their mokkes they're known as for stealing stuff!

"Thank you y/n sama!"

"Mhm! A lot of thanks for you"

"And we promise to share too!"

I gave them a bright smile and nodded my head in approval

"Good! And remember to come back to me whenever your out of candies!"

I reminded them and sigh in relief when I'm finally done with this problem

"Being a leader seems pretty tiring"

I yawned,stretching both of my arms out and started floating back to my boundary but before I could a hand was suddenly placed on my shoulder

"Yahoo~ you must be the leader that I keep hearing about,right?"

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