Chapter 4

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"Shall we go eat?" asked Sam once they were further away without any trace of their followers.


Heading to a nearby restaurant, they sat, ordered, and Sam took a quick glance around to ensure no threat was around.

"Are you looking for something?" asked Elizabeth, noticing that she kept glancing around.

"Oh, no, just admiring the decoration; it's nice and rustic," she easily lied.

Elizabeth glanced around too. "Oh yeah, true," she confirmed.

"Want to head back to the hotel after this?"

"Why?" asked Elizabeth, confused.

"Isn't the best part of a holiday that you get to relax and sleep in?"

"Well," she said, considering it. "you aren't wrong; I just haven't been on vacation in so long."

"Then leave it to me," replied Sam confidently.

Seeing how confident and proud she was, Elizabeth snorted a laugh. "Whatever you say," she said, amused.

With their food served, they ate, and shortly after the meal, Sam excused herself to go to the toilet.

Heading towards the toilet, Sam suddenly felt a chill and a presence following, and she picked up her pace slightly.

It could just be a normal person going to the toilet too, but her senses were rarely wrong.

Reaching the separation between the female and male toilets, Sam felt that the other was right behind her and swung around, fully intending to throw her best punch, only for her fist to be caught in the palm of the other.

Wincing at the power of his grip, Sam gritted her teeth, stood her ground, and glared at him.

"What do you want?" she asked in a hushed tone, not wanting to alarm those around who hadn't noticed something was wrong yet.

The man released her fist, and Sam straightened her posture slightly.

"So you're the one who's been getting in my way all day," he remarked. "I was wondering how the target managed to escape me each time."

Sam's gaze became slightly murderous. "Do you really think I would just let you have them? What even are your intentions?"

"I was simply ordered to bring the woman and the children to my boss, that's all. It would be best for you if you didn't get in the way, or you'll get hurt."

Sam scoffed. "Am I supposed to feel threatened?"

"Up to you; just know that whatever happens, you signed up for it," he said before brushing past her.

Glaring at his back as he left, Sam didn't waste more time and immediately returned to the family to get them out of the restaurant.

Returning the family to their room safely, Sam went to her room for a moment before she had to join them again to make a call.

"Hello?" said a man on the other end.

"Yeah, it's me; things have escalated," replied Sam with some urgency in her voice that alarmed the man.

"What do you mean? Are you guys hurt?" he asked, alarmed and slightly breathless.

"No, but I ran into one of them while we were out, and they won't stop."

"Damn it!" cursed the man under his breath.

"What do we do? Where are you?" asked Sam, feeling slightly helpless.

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