Chapter 19 - The Betrayal

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When Rhiannon woke up the next morning, she was confused for a while but then the events of the last night came flooding back making her smile lazily as she stretched out her sore limbs.

"Good morning love," she heard Elijah mumble in a raspy morning voice making her finally open her eyes to see him, laying right beside her in all his glory, watching her.

"Good morning," she muttered happily and snuggled against his chest.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked tracing random patterns on her shoulders with his thumb.

"Like a baby," she said and climbed on top of him to get her kiss. He held her there, deepening the kiss. The mood was however interrupted by a loud churn coming from Rhiannon's stomach, making them both chuckle.

"Looks like somebody's hungry," Elijah murmured kissing her forehead lightly. "What do you feel like eating?"

"Hmm, I don't know, and omelet sounds pretty good, what do you think?" Rhiannon said trying to get off of his lap, but he didn't feel like letting her go. He grabbed her by her shoulders playfully and pulled her in for another kiss.

"Sounds amazing," he whispered after kissing her almost senseless and he finally let her go. "Why don't you take a shower and I'll get that started for you."

"And who are you gonna compel to do that?" she joked running away towards where she assumed the bathroom was.

"How dare you," he growled playfully chasing after her and catching her second before she could lock herself in a bathroom and pinning her against the wall. She smirked at him devilishly, the veins under her eyes darkening for a second. She's perfection, he thought to himself before he whisked her up making her cross her legs around his waist, still holding her against the wall. He leaned in brushing his lips against her collarbone making breath hitch in her throat and kissed her neck chastely just below her jaw line. Then he let go of her and started towards door making her snort inelegantly at him, muttering: "Tease."

"That's what you get for mocking my culinary skills," he joked before she closed the bathroom door behind her.

After Rhiannon got out of shower she realized that besides her ball gown, she doesn't have any other clothes here. Elijah probably realized that as well because when she came back to the room, laid out on the bed was a black V-neck cotton T-shirt and a pair of very luxurious looking boxers. She couldn't help but smile at his thoughtfulness as she put on his clothes and set out to find the kitchen. She had no idea where it was so she used her supernatural hearing abilities to look for familiar voice. Soon she heard him, moving about the kitchen listening and humming to some jazz music that was playing in the background. She followed his voice as well as the delicious smell that was starting to spread throughout the house.

Elijah was whisking eggs to add into the pan, humming contently, throwing the whisk across the kitchen and into the sink with his typical grace.

"Do I want to know what's gotten you in such a great mood this morning?" Klaus asked from the door, giving his older brother an amused look.

"That's none of your business Niklaus," Elijah retorted but without the usual strain in his voice that would suggest his brother crossed some sort of a line which only added to Klaus' confusion. That was cleared out very quickly as Rhiannon walked in, muttering "morning" while blushing wildly.

"I wasn't aware you're still with us love," Klaus teased making Elijah shot him a warning look. He was in a good mood but that didn't mean he was going to tolerate this nonsense from his brother.

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