Part 3 - Left behind

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"Echo 3-6 in the dark requesting extraction at the 3 story dormatory how copy?" Echo spoke into his radio not knowing wether comms were still up

"Fucking piece of SHIT WORK!"  Echo started smacking his radio while walking through the forest

"E-Echo 3-6 this is Yankee 6-2 we copy you've got 2 hours to get your ass over here before we leave" The radio finally responded

"Copy Yankee 6-2 on the way" Echo started running as fast as he can towards the dormatory


Echo finally reached the dormatory entrance looking at one of the doors and realizing it's wide open he peeks inside

"-Я подумал: «Бля, ты имеешь в виду, что она стоит большего?» вчера ей исполнилось 700!" As echo looked inside he saw 5 scavs sitting near a table all talking with their guard down

Echo snuck inside looking for a place to ambush them from, he found the stairwell and decided to use that

"клянусь, у тебя самые смешные истории, черт возьми" Echo could hear footsteps coming out from where the scavs were at

"Hey Ivan" Echo whispered before firing his ADAR at the scavs head killing him instantly

"ОХ БЛЯТЬ-" A scav said before Echo killed the rest of em

"Dumbasses" Echo began to walk up to the third floor exfil point finding a place to wait

"Yankee 6-2 what's your status I'm at the exfil site" Echo spoke into his radio


"Yankee 6-2 how copy?"

"Echo 3-6 This ain't our fight anymore recommend you join us at the water treatment plant"

"You fucking traitors..." Echo couldn't believe they had gone rouge

"Son.... We aren't betraying you we're just realizing what's truly happening in tarkov now you gonna join us or what?"

"Fuck you" Echo got pissed at how his brethren could betray the others like this

"God DAMNIT" Echo kicked some trash nearby before hiding as he heard footsteps

"Стразар 3-1 входит в общежитие"

Bạn đã đọc hết các phần đã được đăng tải.

⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 08 ⏰

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Left Behind - A Escape From Tarkov storyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ