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NIKLAUS HAD BEEN IMPRESSED WITH the way in which Marcel ran things in the French Quarter— but as his sire/son had stated, it was all things that the original had taught him once upon a time

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NIKLAUS HAD BEEN IMPRESSED WITH the way in which Marcel ran things in the French Quarter— but as his sire/son had stated, it was all things that the original had taught him once upon a time. Marcel had amassed an army of loyal vampires, the wolves had been exiled, the witches weren't allowed to do magic. Marcel had everything that Klaus wanted, he just wasn't aware the full extent of that, until Marcel took him to the dungeons of the hybrids former home.

"Tell me, my friend. Have you ever heard of The Elementals?" Marcel questioned with a smirk on his face, Klaus acted indifferent with a shrug of his shoulders.

"I have, centuries ago. However, I'm pretty sure they're extinct now. Do tell, Marcel, why are we taking a stroll in the dungeons?"

"How sure are you of their extinction?" Marcel questioned again with a knowing smirk on his face, "Because they're not. I've got the last one. Right here. Take a look." He gestured Klaus to the left and as the hybrid turned a corner— he had to stop his entire body from going rigid in shock.

It was her. She was chained up, bloodied and bruised. He wasn't even sure if she was alive at first, but the gentle beat of her heart almost made him sigh in relief. She looked as beautiful as the day he saw her, even with the obvious injuries she had sustained in this dungeon. He wondered how long she had been there and trying to remain nonchalant about it was proving difficult. He wanted nothing more than to hurt every single person who had even the slightest part in subjecting her to this. Marcel included.

Taking his silence as shock, Marcel continued, "Back in the 90's, one of the witches had this premonition about a powerful force that was born from fire would bring an end to all supernaturals in the Quarter. Not two weeks after, the lovely Ember Drake strolls into Rousseaus. Now, I don't usually listen to the witches and their weird ass visions but when I learned that not only is this girl an elemental, but one with the power of fire. Well, you understand why I had to keep her somewhere I can keep an eye on her. She resisted, of course. Had a witch make a little concoction to keep her subdued. Now I just keep her here in case I ever have a need for her."

Klaus had to keep his cool, "So you keep her here as a pet."

Marcel laughed, "If that's what you want to call it then sure, she's my pet."

It took all of Klaus' might not to unleash his fury on the man he once called a son— he wanted nothing more than to take her away in that moment and never let her out of his sight again. He was beginning to think he never should've parted ways with her in the beginning— the memory of that day coming back almost instantly.


Cadiz, Spain

Niklaus Mikaelson was both livid and terrified. Mikael was very nearly upon them— not only had his father killed his horse— he had killed the last remaining Elementals, this told him that his father was also after his beloved, Ember.

Elementals were some of the oldest beings in the universe, dating back before vampires and werewolves. They were immortal creatures who wielded the power of the elements— hence the name. Niklaus had met Ember in 1695 and had been besotted with the woman ever since that day. His siblings hoped this may be the start of some sort of redemption for their brother, never seeing him as besotted and gentle with another being— not even Aurora De Martel.

Of course, luck was obviously not on their side as Mikael had found them and the thought of losing Ember instilled a fear into Niklaus like no other. For once, the hybrid was thinking selflessly and not selfishly, a shock to anyone around.

Elementals couldn't be compelled by a normal vampire, however, due to Esther's complex spell for vampirism and general witches distain for Elementals— an original vampire, could compel an Elemental.

"My love," Klaus had started as he entered their shared room, "I have bad news."

Ember looked up at Niklaus, a nervous look on her face, "What is it?"

"Mikael, he... killed that last of your kind. I'm sorry, Ember. You wouldn't be in this mess if it wasn't for me."

She frowned, coming to stand in front of the original, taking his hands in her own, "This isn't your fault, Nik. Please don't think that." She paused, "So what are we going to do?" She knew they would probably have to leave, if Mikael was that close— he wouldn't hesitate.

"I need to leave." he started, "And you need to be as far away from me as possible." He dropped her hands and cupped her cheeks with his hand, "It's not safe anymore, Ember. We need to split up, Mikael is more concerned about hunting me, after all. You'll be safer without my burdens."

Ember shook her head, tears pooling in her eyes, "Don't say that. The safest place for me is with you. I'm stronger than the rest, a fire elemental is rare because it's the strongest. I can protect myself."

Klaus leant his head against hers, "I wish there was another way, my love. I need you to know that I love you— more than any other being in my miserable existence so far. You have bought me a peace like no other and every moment I have spent with you will be forever etched in my brain, my little flame." he paused, feeling overcome with emotions himself, "But as such, I was never going to be able to sustain this happy and peaceful life with you— not while he still walks this earth. Until the day comes that it is safe, that I can guarantee your safety, I have to let you go, sweet Ember."

"No," she started, "Niklaus, don't do this. I love you, Please." She pleased, already knowing where he was going with his words— she knew him that well, and contrary to popular belief, when it came to her, he was a selfless soul. He leant down to place a sweet kiss on her lips, savouring the moment because he didn't know when, if ever, he would have her in his arms again.

He looked into her eyes as his compulsion started, she tried to pull away from his hold but he was obviously too strong for her, "You will forget who Klaus Mikaelson is. You will forget the whole Mikaelson family. You will not remember any of the last seven years we have spent together. You will be happy and know that you are safe."

A single tear rolled down her face and then, he was gone.


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