« HUH? »

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I snuck out of Harry's room and went to do my regular routine of pretending to go to sleep and snuck downstairs.

All the adults looked at me as though they wanted to talk to me immediately. "What's up?" I asked.

"I don't think you should go to the hearing." Mr Weasley said.

"Why?" I asked, sitting down.

"It's too dangerous." Lupin said.

"Where are the knives?" I asked, immediately thinking of an idea to show them that nothing can hurt me.

They all widened their eyes. I dove into the kitchen and got a huge butcher knife. I came into the dining room and placed the butcher knife gently on the table.

"Look." I said, raising the knife. I slit the knife against the back of my hand. Nothing happened, it just squeaked at the contact of my steel hard skin. "There isn't lots of stuff that can hurt me."

"What about if they plunge a knife in your heart?" Sirius asked, clearly still dazed about what happened.

"My heart isn't beating now." I said. "You want to check? It's hollow."

Mrs Weasley rushed over to me and put her ear at my chest. Her eyes widened as she turned to the rest of the adults and shook her head.

"Can I go?" I asked.

"Fine, just be careful, someone might be trying to get to Harry also." Lupin said, shuddering.

I quietly said "Yes!"


We got to the train station and me and Harry handled the money because Mr Weasley wasn't good with muggle money.

When we got to a phone box, I was a bit confused. Mr Weasley ushered us in and we followed. If I could blush, I would since I was crushed next to Harry.

Mr Weasley dialed in some numbers and suddenly I heard a female voice. "Welcome to the Ministry of Magic. Please state your name and business."

"Er.." Mr Weasley stuttered. "Arthur Weasley, Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office, here to escort Harry Potter and Olivia Cullen who has been asked to a disciplinary hearing."

"Thank you," the female voice said. "Visitors, please take badge and attach it to the front of your robes."

I breathed a sigh of relief. I thought that didn't have to have any robes but Mrs Weasley insisted I borrow one of hers, and I would have looked pretty stupid if I wore regular clothes. I pinned the square silver badge to the front of my robes as the woman started speaking again.

"Visitors to the ministry, you are required to submit your wands for registration at the security desk, which is located at the far end of the Atrium."

We started going down and Harry looked at the glass windows as the pavement rose higher. At last the pavement covered them all with complete darkness. After a minute in the darkness, a chunk of golden light peeked through. It rose up slowly and illuminated us in light.

Oh no I thought there was non-natural light in the ministry. I draped the hood on my robes over my head but my hands were still sparkling so I shoved them into my robes.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked me.

"Yeah I'm fine, I'm just cold." I lied.

"That's because your skin is so cold. Here let me warm them up far you." He said, reaching for my hands in my robes.

PALE SKIN |HARRY X OC|Where stories live. Discover now