Olympia High

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As Olympia High comes into view a rush of nervous excitement hits me like a ton of bricks; I've been waiting for this day since my acceptance letter came in the mail three months ago. The school is every bit as grand as I always dreamed; there are tall white pillars in the front that remind me of an ancient Greek temple. It appears that the school was named Olympia High for more reasons than just being built in Washington's capital city. The campus is beautiful, intimidating, yet welcoming all at the same time. The school has a big front lawn complete with a drop off lane for cars and a fountain in the center of it all.

Kids are getting out of cars and wheeling their suitcases down a sidewalk to the right, that I assume heads to the dormitories. The first thing that I notice about all the students is the blatant use of their powers. Powers have been apart of the world for decades but since they aren't all that common most people don't usually flaunt them, but here it seems like nobody cares, and I smile extra big at that. I love the Idea of a school where you can just be yourself without fear of uncomprehending judgmental eyes. People with powers are pretty widely accepted in society, but high school loves to attack those who are different. For the most part supers blend in and don't do anything to encourage fear or extreme admiration. Super Heroes don't exist like they do in comic books. The police can handle crime pretty well; there's never been a reason for such vigilante hero work. People with powers live normal lives for the most part. They find jobs that compliment their abilities and they excel. Some go to special schools to better develop their talents, that's all.

The second thing that I notice about the kids is how athletic they all look. Every single person looks like they've been training for a marathon and could probably run one without breaking a sweat. Okay, that might be a slight exaggeration but they are a little intimidating. I thought my training would give me an edge, but it appears everyone else had the same idea.

The car pulls around the fountain and comes to a stop. We're here. It's time to get out of the car, but I find my legs don't want to move. I'm not 100% ready to leave the safety and comfort of the car... of home. I look at my parents and realize not for the first time that they'll now have an empty nest. Things will be different for all of us this year.

"Come on!" Ivy pulls my hand and yanks me out of her side of the car. I hadn't even realized that she opened the door. I'm going to have to be more aware of my surroundings if I'm going to survive a school like this. I shake the negative thought out of my head and give her a brave smile. I step out of the car and relish the fresh air. The five hour drive from Kennewick seemed to take forever and the air conditioning in our car was pathetic at best; the breeze feels amazing on my hot face.

Mom and Dad get out of the car to help us get our suitcases from the trunk. When I'm holding all that I can carry I say, "looks like we're going to have to make a few trips."

Ivy looks at me and rolls her eyes in good humor, "You go to a super school now, use your powers to solve the problem."

"Well we could run to the dorms but considering I have no idea where my room is I don't really want to do that." I retort

"yes, because I'm the only super here with powers you could copy," she drawls sarcastically, "I forgot."

Heat flushes to my face at how obvious the solution is. "Shut up," I grumble, but I'm not really that mad. Ivy is just doing that annoying older sister thing, it's actually almost comforting to see how little she's changed since she left. Maybe things won't be so different from home after all. School might be tough and scary but at least I have a sister to help me through it. Its not hard to find a power that I like; I see a girl walking in front of us using telekinesis to float her bags along side of her. I reach out and feel her unfamiliar aura. It's similar to my sister Allison's because she's also telekinetic, but it has its obvious differences. I close my eyes and imagine my aura changing, and my powers turning into something useful. I replicate her talent with relative ease but I feel my connection to her weakening with every step she takes. I quickly lift the rest of the bags out of the trunk with my telekinetic grip. I start walking and focus on the bags floating just above my head. "Come one, we don't got all day people!" I announce.

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