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Quickly, I walked towards the office where Head Mistress Menken was sitting in her chair. I knocked on the door "Come in." She said from inside.

I opened the heavy door and closed it behind me. "Yes Miss.Menken? You wanted me?" I simply asked.

"Ahh yes. I did want you. So, you remember your brother? Harry Potter?" I nod as I come over to the desk and sit on the other side. "Well, Vold-" she stopped herself before she said his name "the one who can't be named, is after you two. Dumbledore thinks it's the best idea for you to go to Hogwarts. For the time being anyways."

I was in disbelief! "No! I cannot leave here!" I roll my eyes as I get up. "What about Esmé!? What about Leah!? What about Lavelle!?"

"But Miss.Potter, it's for the best to keep you and your brother safe. So, I demand it!" She said harshly.

My eyes widen as I walk out of the room. I cannot leave my friends but Miss said it was for the best. Right? Ugh this is too much work; that means I need to face my brother I haven't seen since our parents died. We got put into different homes which was ridiculous! Harry got put with Auntie & uncle in the united kingdom while I got put with some wizards in Australia. I go down to the Isabelline's (my house) common room where I meet Esmé, Leah and Lavelle.

"Y/N!!" I hear a shout from the sofa's by the fireplace. It was them. "Hey y'all"

"Sooo what did the head mistress want?" Lavelle is very curious about everything sometimes.

"She wanted me because they're gonna send me to hogwarts because who cannot be named is after me and my brother. So-"

"WAIT WHAT!?" Leah yelled "But you can't leave us! What are we gonna do without you?"

Everyone looked like they were about to burst out into tears. "I'm sorry guys. I don't know when I'm leaving or what's gonna happen but hopefully it's not soon."


The day has arrived. The day that I'm getting sent to hogwarts! It's September 1st and I packed everything I needed. I traveled across the word to get to London like I'm not excited but I'm not nervous either. No I'm really fucking nervous.

I reached the platform and I didn't know what to do. I see a red haired older woman shouting "platform 9 ¾ this way!" with some kids but one oddly stood out to me. He had dark messy brunette hair, round black glasses, pale skin but when his hair was swooshing back I noticed something. That lightning scar. That was my brother! Harry Potter! I can't believe that's him. I needed to get onto that platform asap. But...I didn't want him to see me..not just yet anyways.

I watched from a distance of the red haired woman and the kids running through the wall. After 5 minutes I go up the wall and take a deep breath. This is it y/n. You can do this! I ran up the wall and went through it! I could start jumping for joy right then and there but no. I need to go onto the train. Im so nervous for Merlin's sake.

I put up my hood of my zip-up hoodie I was wearing and stepped on the train. I found an empty compartment and sat inside.


We arrived at hogwarts and I already had my robe on. I saw a very tall man he must've been a giant but he wasn't tall enough for a giant.

"You must be y/n Potter." He came up to me as I just simply nod. "Well I'm Hadgrid, Miss.Potter you come with me with the 1st years on the boats that what Dumbledoor commanded."

I follow Hadgrid and the 1st years to the boats to create "memories"

Once we got inside we lined up behind the door before heading into the great hall. I felt embarrassed being with the 1st years while technically I'm a 4th year and once I enter that hall I get to see harry.

"Are you guys ready?" I heard a stern voice it was a woman. "I'm Professor McGonagall. You'll see me a lot here."

She flung open the doors as we walked down I tried to keep my head down looking at the floor.


"Last but not least, we have a new 4th year joining us. Her name is y/n Potter."

Everyone started whispering to one and another but one's eyes stood out to me. It was Harry. I come up and sit down on the chair and the hat got placed on my head.

"Ahhh, y/n Potter. Well your not brave like your brother.. you're rather cunning.. ambitious even.. SLYTHERIN!"

Everyone gasp, I laid my eyes on Harry as I got up to go to the Slytherin's table. There was only one space left next to this tall, platinum blonde, pale, mysterious looking boy.

"Mind if I sit here?" I asked the people around. A girl across from the empty seat nodded. The boy just scoft.

"Hi I'm Pansy Parkinson! This is Blaise Zabini." She pointed to the boy next to her he has really short dark hair, gloomy eyes, rather charming. "And that's Draco Malfoy."

"2 Potters?.." I hear from Draco sitting next to me.


I didn't know what to do for the first Chapter🙄 But meeting Harry in the next!!

-Libby x

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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