The hidden Guardian

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Now that Brown Cameraman has observed The Alliance for several days, he sees that Plunger Cameraman is alive and well, ready to fight back against his enemies. Brown Cameraman observed The Alliance's ongoing battle below, keeping a watchful eye on the proceedings. He watches the scene unfold from the comfort of his void, observing the battles below with a discerning eye. Brown Cameraman is fascinated by the events, marveling at the Alliance's resilience and prowess. He can't help but feel a sense of pride as he watches the battle unfold, as if he's observing real-life heroes. He watched the scene unfold from his seat in the void, a detached, yet interested, spectator.

Brown Cameraman's void was quiet. The only noises that were heard were coming from that large holographic screen Brown Cameraman was watching. He still had that large golden skull with him, it's was just holding it, in the palm of his hands. He watched the screen infront of him.

Below on the surface of the earth, Plunger Cameraman and Dark Speakerman fought together, an unstoppable duo. Their opponents were no match for their combined strength, as the two of them moved as one, their synergy unmatched. Plunger Cameraman and Dark Speakerman fought with a relentless and vicious ferocity, their teamwork like a well-oiled machine. Together, they were an unstoppable force, a juggernaut of destruction that left no survivors in their wake. They destroyed their enemies with ease, showing no mercy and giving no quarter. Their skill and might were truly unparalleled.

The Titans were off somewhere else, they planned to kill G-Man toilet, leaving all the other Alliance members lack their Titan's protection. But they'll be able to manage, right?

The Cameramen fired many weaponry at the incoming Skibidi toilets. It was utter destruction, as they all sliced and hacked and slashed their way through the hordes of skibidi toilets. Of course, not all the Cameramen and Speakermen were fortunate, some of them had their fates already sealed with death. They fell in battle against ruthless and merciless enemies, their lives cut short by the blades of their foes. It was a tragic and grim reality, one that came with being a Cameraman or Speakerman. Some of them would have glorious and heroic deaths, while others would meet a less than ideal end. But all of them went out fighting.

Plunger Cameraman and Dark Speakerman killed all the skibidi toilets in the surrounding area. They both felt exhausted, yet they were determine to get their victory.

Dark Speakerman turned to glance at Plunger Cameraman, noticing the sight of Plunger Cameraman's fatigue.

"You alright, Plunger?" Dark Speakerman uttered, his voice slightly tinged with concern as he regarded the other cameraman and his exhaustion.

Plunger Cameraman responded in an affirmative manner, nodding his head in confirmation. "Yes, I'm alright, I'm just glad we got those stupid skibidi toilets..."

While he bore signs of tiredness like the rest of the cameramen and speakermen, he indeed bore a beaming and contented expression. Apparently, having finally overcome the enemy was enough to fill their hearts with happiness.

Brown Cameraman watched and observed as Plunger Cameraman spoke, noting the unmistakeable signs of determination in his voice. Plunger Cameraman's voice had a strong undertone of arrogance, oozing with self-assurance and pride. It made Brown Cameraman sick, yet he nevertheless felt an inexplicable admiration for Plunger Cameraman's attitude. There was something irresistible about the way he radiated and exuded such arrogance, to the point of almost becoming... amusing.

Brown Cameraman tore his gaze away from the screen and redirected it to the golden skull in the center of the room. His stare was solemn and thoughtful, as he gazed at the relic. His thoughts wandered to how long he'd spent within his void, and he began to wonder if he should venture out more frequently. Perhaps it would be beneficial for him to explore outside of his void, to break free from the confines of this vast space. Yet, he couldn't seem to break his fixation upon the golden skull, nor was he able to tear his gaze away from it. Brown Cameraman was lost deep in thoughts.

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