Better safe than-...Wait where am I? - CH. 1

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Matt's eyes flutter open as he stares at the still, wooden ceiling covered in white wallpaper and glow-in-the-dark stars. He took off his headphones which had stopped playing soft piano music from last night. As he gathered his wits and climbed out of bed, he stepped out into his closet, in a state of quandary as he stared at his wardrobe before picking his usual gray collared shirt, blue denim jeans, red and gray shoes, and a belt. He brushed his teeth, packed a bag and walked downstairs. He had tried remembering what day it was, having a stage of adomania before staring at the open door of the guest bedroom. Matt  lightly knocked on the guest bedroom door and spoke,

"Cherri?" Matt calls out, seeming concerned at the lack of a response. He nudged the door open and saw his sister, Cherri fast asleep on a mattress. Matt blinked before he walked over and tucked the velvety, shadow gray blanket over her and left for work. As he stepped outside, the cool breeze making his hair flow about, he had one thing on his mind, getting through the day. After 20 minutes, Matt arrived at 'bear.' He patiently stood around at the prize corner, adjusting plushies or surveying at a nearby wall like he always did. He saw Jack saunter around but didn't pay it any mind. A phone guy hightails next to him and holds out a pink slip. Matt's eyes widened before blinking and picking up the slip,

"..What's this?" Matt inquired, examining the slip for a moment, not wanting to read it until he got the summary of what it was.

"Uhm..You're fired." The phone guy shrugged and stepped back before leaving. Matt was as confused as he could possibly be, he was here for like..Literally 4 minutes.. But still, he picked up his belongings and headed straight for the door. He tried to find a reason why by looking back at the slip, all it said was, "YOUR A NOOB >:((". Was that even a fireable offense?! As he was walking some kid on a bike was speeding by, Matt's eyes went wide as he barreled out the way, tripping and stumbling down a hill that was just inconveniently nearby. As he hit the floor, he felt his head ache and bleed from hitting an arch made with a rough, stone hard material.

"Oh god-..." Matt mumbled to himself worriedly as he reached for his bag and grabbed some gauze. In that moment he felt like fate chose him as a favorite for a second. He sighed in relief and wrapped the gauze slowly around his head. Matt took a sharp inhale as his head began to leave a stinging sensation. He would frown if he could.. As he sat against the arch, he felt a burning grasp around his ankle.. He yelped in shock and attempted to jerk his leg away from whatever was latching onto him, but he didn't have the strength and was dragged into whatever weird place laid beyond the blinding light inside the arch..

As the blazing light faded from Matt's vision and his eyes opened up to his new surroundings, he saw what he could recognize was a forest. It was an odd one to see the least. The trees stood confidently, their leaves lush and in a bewitching shade of purple. The grass was a usual green shade with an earthy scent, like Matt usually knew.Matt began to feel a sting on his cheek, not knowing what it was grabbed his phone to look at. On his cheek was a large cut,

"..Whuh??" Matt rubbed the cut and flinched. Matt was confused yet stood up, seeing this new surroundings gave him an urge to explore the place, it was a new environment, yet it felt so familiar. The elysian and beautiful world of lovely plants, trees, and scenery made the place ever more inviting to Matt as he ventured further into the forest, blissfully unaware of what may happen. The sun began setting on the wide blue horizon that was changing in color as the sun got lower, fading to an empyrean shade of orange and purple.. He had been exploring the forest for quite some time and was getting exhausted from a lack of food. He eventually spotted some lucent, purple mushrooms growing off a tree. Matt would stare at the mushrooms for a few seconds before mumbling,

"...Am I really that desperate?" Matt thought about his options before bolting over to the tree and grabbing a mushroom. Yes, yes he was that desperate. As he took a bite of the mushroom, he tensed, in an ephemeral of disgust before the mushroom began to give off any flavor. The mushroom was tangy, yet sweet. Matt was just relieved it wasn't poisonous. He collected a few mushrooms and continued walking, beginning to stumble a bit. After hours upon hours of nonstop walking and occasional stops to eat, Matt decided to sleep for the rest of the night. He tucked his bag under his head and went to sleep, the cool night breeze hitting his body, leaving him cold.

By the morning, Matt shivered as he stood, he ate some more mushrooms and journeyed on. After what seemed like 20 minutes,. Matt spotted what seemed to be a deer with soft plum purple fur, chartreuse green & black striped hooves,  4 obsidian black eyes and sharp fangs. Assuming it was hostile, Matt fled further into the forest, the deer followed hastily and in an aggressive manner. Matt booked it in the first direction he could assume was the safest, trying to escape the hostile deer. Matt spotted a stick on the ground that had similar shaping to a sword and picked it up, preparing to fight the deer. As soon as the deer got close enough, Matt swung the wooden weapon at it, causing it to jump backwards. The deer ran up to Matt and rammed its head into his stomach. Matt fell over and landed with a thud, the deer kicked Matt against a tree, the tree bending as Matt hit it. Matt landed on the ground, unable to keep his head raised, he felt dizzy and had an unbearable ringing in his head. He felt the air leaving his body as he laid there.

"Oww..Help!!" Matt gasped.  Matt struggled to intake another breath of air, as he realized no one would help him. He needed to handle this on his own. He stumbled to his feet. The deer prepared to attack again but in a final effort, Matt quickly plunged the stick in one of the deer's 4 eyes and pulled away, tearing its eyes out, a bloody mess spewing from the deer's eye and onto the stick as well as Matt's clothing. The deer let out a shriek of pain before running away out of fear.  Matt looked at the stick looking at the eye he ripped from the deer, it was a bloody sight, Matt felt nauseous looking at it, as if he'd throw up just staring at it. But still, he picked the stick up, swung it to fling the eye off of it, and progressed further.

As he wandered the seemingly infinite forest, he found some berries, and since he was hungry, he picked the berries up. He was nervous but plopped a few in his mouth. The berries had a cotton candy taste to them but felt like they were pricking the inside of his mouth with needles, causing him to spit the berries out. Matt's stomach rumbled as he sighed and continued to venture. After a long time of traveling, Matt began to get anxious, will he ever go home? Will he see Cherri again? Is he going to die here? All these questions overwhelmed Matt and caused him to freak out.. His breathing began to quicken as his body tensed and trembled. He eventually bumped into a brick wall, causing his nose to bleed. Matt angrily kicked the wall, already feeling panicked and pissed off. Matt wiped the blood off his nose and looked past the wall and not only was there a house, but a village near it as well! The village was a horrifying beauty and felt otherworldly to look at, there were houses in many different locations, some even stacked over top of each other! It was overall an obscure scene for Matt to take in.

He began to lay down but quickly jolted back up, the feel of the grass feeling like needles jabbing into his body. Matt teared up as he began to breathe faster and heavier. He began to sprint into the village but froze in the town square, he clutched his arms closely as he began to tear up, his limbs feeling like they went numb and had a staticky feeling. Everything was so bright, and the loud crowds weren't helping.. Before he could process anything, he collapsed. Last thing he remembered feeling was a cool breeze and sudden warmth before he fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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