Hello to those crimson eyes

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Scaramouche stares at the window as he waits for his mother to let him into her office.

Scaramouche lived as a politicians' son for all his life, and soon enough he will also take over as the new leader of Inazuma. The dark haired boy dreaded the idea.

Scaramouche heard the doors open. finally someone would let him in.

The dark haired boy swiftly glances at the door, he expected his mother to appear but of course it's not his mother but it was her assistant, Sara.

"Mrs. Raiden told me to give you a word that she can't discuss anything with you at the moment. She has to stay in her office and cannot go home with you."

Scaramouche expected this. He just scoffed as if he expected that he would be wasting his time by stopping here.

"Got that. Just tell her that I choose to enroll in the school Childe is in."

The dark haired boy swiftly threw his bag over his shoulder and immediately walked off towards the exclusive car that was meant for the families of the leader of the country.

Scaramouche immediately went to the back seat of the car "take me home."

He doesn't even know where or what his home is.

The dark haired boy stared at the window as they drove off with the sunset light bouncing off his Indigo hair and denim eyes.

The cars didn't move an inch, they've been in the same place for the past 20 minutes, it made him scratch harshly on his wrist as a way to cope with annoyance. All he wants to do is lay down on his bed especially because of how suffocated he was in this situation. It was like having to choose between 2 options that are equally horrendous.

Scaramouche slid down the window halfway to let some air in, he felt a bit more relaxed like this.

Ring ring.

Until suddenly he heard his phone ring. Who would call him at a time like this.

The dark haired boy took his phone from his bag and read over the name.


Why the hell would Childe call him at a time like this.

Scaramouche slid his thumb over the bar to pick up the call, "what?" He said blatantly.

"I'm hurt, I thought you would be glad to hear from me, especially in times like this," Childe's voice could be heard through the phone.

The dark haired boy didn't say anything, he couldn't lie. He did want to hear about someone else to get his mind off his situation with his mother.

"Like anyone would want to hear you. Don't flatter yourself Childe"

Scaramouche finally spoke as he shifts to look out the window but suddenly his eyes locked onto someone's gaze.

White long hair tied at the back. A random streak of red at the side of his bangs, with those crimson deep eyes.

Childe's voice could still be heard from the phone but his attention was fully on the boy with crimson eyes.


Scaramouche's attention immediately snapped to Childe "What!? Why are you being so loud!?"

The dark haired boy uttered quite loudly but a simple light laugh came out of the other side of the phone.

"What's got you all distracted that you couldn't even hear me call you like a hundred times stupid," Childe's words rang a bell onto Scaramouche's mind and remembered the boy that got him all distracted as Childe says.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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