Big Time Break-Up

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FOR WEEKS, JO had been talking nonstop about her upcoming audition for this new Chauncy Jackson film, Chauncy Jackson and the Magic Gallows.

It was her dream role and Jupiter couldn't be any more excited for her.

She helped Jo prepare for her audition by going over to her apartment everyday and running lines with her, while giving motivating pep talks.

Jo finally made it through the last round of auditions and was waiting for a call from her agent saying whether she got the part or not.

Jupiter and the boys gathered in their apartment with Jo, staring at her phone in the middle of the co!ee table in anticipation.

"This is so exciting!" Carlos blurted out, breaking the silence.

"I know!" Jupiter grinned.

"I can't believe you're up for Emily in the new Chauncy Jackson film." Logan exclaimed.

"Jo Taylor starring in Chauncy Jackson and the Magic Gallows." Kendall said in awe.

I've read every book in the series." Jo gushed.

"Yeah, and every actress in town wants this role." James pointed out, making the girl look worried.

"Ha-ha! It would be awful if they didn't hire you." Carlos chuckled

Carlos." The rest of the group scolded.

"I mean, to get this close to the role of a lifetime and not get it?" He continued.

"Carlos!" They shouted as Jupiter leaned over Kendall, smacking Carlos in the shoulder.

"Guys, I'm fine if I don't get the part." Jo reassured.

"I just want the phone to ring!"

As if on cue, the phone rang, making everyone scream in excitement.

They all yelled at the girl to take the call as Jo frantically answered it, standing up.

"Hello? Uh-huh."

As she spoke, Jupiter crossed her fingers, both excited and nervous for her best friend.

"I got the part?" Jo exclaimed, making the group cheer, shooting their mini confetti poppers in the air.

"It's a three-movie deal?" She continued as the teens shouted again, the confetti flying once more.

"It's shooting in New Zealand for three years?"

Everyone, besides Jupiter, continued on cheering in excitement, while the girl stared at her friend in complete and utter shock.

It finally registered in everyone's heads as Logan, James, and Kendall gave Jupiter solemn looks.

"They want me to leave this week?"

"Oh, yes!" Carlos shouted, not understanding the bigger picture. Seeing everyone with their disappointed expressions, the boy winced in realization. "Oh..."

"Oh. Oh. Really? Okay, bye." Jo hung up the phone, bending down to pick up her bag.

"Jo, what else did they say?"Jupiter wondered.

"The agent said I can't do the movie if I can't get out of my New Town High contract," she explained, frowning.

Carlos piped up, "But if you do get out of the contract, then you go to New Zealand for three years, and you have to leave the Palm Woods and all of your friends behind-"

"Carlos!" Everyone shouted again, making him accidentally pop the confetti cannon in surprise.

"Sit down." Logan muttered, pushing the boy on the couch.

"I'll find out more after I talk to my agent." Jo said. "I have a meeting with her in an hour, so want to come over?"

Kelly already told the girl not to come to Rocque Records because Latin pop sensation Selana was recording her first English album in the studio for the next three days. Jupiter turned around to face her friends, "I'm going to Jo's, don't wait up."

Mumbles of confirmations were heard as the two girls walked out of the crib.


In Jo's living room, Jupiter poke up as she stood in front of a white board with a T-chart drawn on it, which was labeled 'Pros' and 'Cons' on each side. "Okay, so I know that you're not 100% sure if you can even do the movie if you can't get out of your contract, but we should still settle this decision the old fashioned way: A good ol' pros and cons list!"

Jo laughed a bit, "Alright, it's worth a shot."

"What's a pro for doing the movie?" Jupiter questioned, dry erase marker in hand.

Jo sighed, "I've wanted this role ever since the movie announcement came out."

Jupiter wrote that on the board, continuing, "And you worked hard to get it too. Now, what's a con?"

"Leaving the Palm Woods. It's my home away from home."

Jupiter sarcastically gasped, "And you're gonna leave the warm hospitality from Bitters. Darn!"

"Shut up." Jo remarked, laughing at her friend's ability to joke during this major dilemma.

"Ooh, I have a pro."Jupiter piped up, starting to write it down. "The movie's being filmed in New Zealand."

"Isn't that a con?"

"No, because you're going to get the opportunity to explore an entirely different country. It's the coolest thing ever!"

"Fine, but a con is that it's three years. That's a really long time."

Jupiter added that to the con side. "I know."

"But..." Jo trailed o!. "It's a three movie deal. I'm going to be playing a character from my favorite book series for not only one movie, but three."

"Exactly." Jupiter ummed, scribbling it down on the pro side. "Also, imagine the amount of exposure you're going to get as an actress. Your career's going to skyrocket."

Jo suddenly frowned. "Con: I'm leaving my dad and my friends behind for three years."

"Con: You're going to miss everyone so much." A lump formed in Jupiter's throat. "Correction: I'm gonna miss you so much."

Jupiter couldn't help herself as she started tearing up at the thought of her best friend leaving the country for three years. "I hate crying," she mumbled, laughing as she wiped the tears out of her eyes.

"Aw, Jupiter." Jo said as walked up to the girl, hugging her.

Once letting go, Jupiter sked, "So, what are you going to do?"

"I don't know." Jo shrugged, still contemplating over her decision. "I guess I just have to see what my agent says about my New Town High contract.

Speaking of, I should get to my meeting."

"Let me know what they say." "I will."

Jupiter walked back to her apartment with a slight frown on her face.

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