Chapter 2: The First Month

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I spent most of the first month free helping the Avengers and seeing what all I have missed over the past 1000 years. I learned that Thor is not of Earth and is 1050 years and has an adoptive brother who tried to take over New York.

I learned that the hunters and all mythical creatures have completely gone extinct and that I'm truly the last of my kind. I've learned that humans no longer fear the unknown since so many things have happened with enhanced and aliens and so many other creatures.

I've helped take down hydra, AIM, some robot named Ultron, and so many other villains. But now of all days Thor dropped a big bomb on the team.

"My brother Loki is being banished here till he learns to be good" Thor tells us.

The entire team breaks out into all our argument while I just sit there bored and not very interested in what happens.

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