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Tony visits the Sackville-Bagg family for Halloween

"Hey Tony! Welcome ba—woah!"

Rudolph trails off on the account that Tony has dumped his person on the vampire.

"Ugh... Finally. I could not have gotten here fast enough."

Rudolph laughs, "What, did you miss me that much, mortal?"

"No, no, not that." Tony waves his hand dismissively, to which Rudolph huffs indignantly. "Er, I mean, not only that." The vampire hums in approval then. "It's just... you're so lucky you don't have to go to school anymore."

Rudolph laughs. He may have forgotten about his mostly short human life, but he understand the concept of education well enough. "Father enforces studies time to time, I know the feeling."

"Although, it's not as though you take the sessions seriously." Frederick pointed out, irksome.

The blond chuckled. "—and that you don't have to study that hard just to come see me." Tony adds.

"I didn't realize you wanted to come see me again that much," Rudolph smirked, poking the blond's nose. "you needy little mortal."

Tony snorts, smirking. "Look who's talking, who ended up calling my Skype, even after I went offline to start studying for tests only ten minutes from dropping the chat?"

"I thought something went wrong," Rudolph frowned, crossing his arms. "you usually say bye first before signing off."

"Still, twenty calls in ten minutes? I'm surprise you didn't just fly all the way over." Tony laughs at the ridiculousness of it all.

Freda chuckles, "He came close to doing that," she says, "we were about to let him till you finally called to say that you were fine."

"Yeah, well, my Gmail kept buzzing with Skype notifications, so..." Tony shrugs.

Freda continues, "Since you miss each other that much, and that you're only here until the end of the week, why don't you two go along and get to those activities Rudolph prepared?" she suggests. "We'll take care of your things. You'll be sharing a room with Ruddy, right?"

"Thanks Mrs. Sackville-Bagg," Tony beams, "You're right. Rudy and I got some catching up to do."

Frederick cocks his head to the side, "'Catching Up'?" he repeats, "what ever do you mean? Are you going on a race? My son is far too fast, considering that you can't fly."

"Er, no. It's an expression," Tony explains, "Like... We haven't seen each other for a while, so now, we have to hang out."

Freda frowns next, "So you can't fly, but you can hang on walls like us?"

"Er... I mean... we're gonna spend time together now."

Frederick and Freda hums in understanding, "Oh, you should've said so in the first place." The blond can't help but smack his forehead, Rudolph just laughs.

"Come on, Bessie and I found something a while back that you may find 'cool'."

Tony gaped, "You seriously named your cow Bessie?"

"You named her, not me."

"Yeah, but that was just a joke."

"Why should that be a joke?"

"It's..." Tony starts to explain before sighing, "Oh never mind. Let's go."

Rudolph grins, taking Tony's hand before flying out the door. Frederick and Freda hovers off the floor, heading towards the staircase as Anna and Gregory flew back in through the second floor window.

"Mother, father," They greeted.

Freda smiles at her children, "Welcome back you two, how are the cows?"

"They're fine, mother." Anna says, "Any word on Tony? Has his plane landed yet?"

"He just arrived here, actually." Frederick tells her. "You just missed him. Rudolph took him... well, somewhere. Something about a place he found with that bitten cow of his."

Anna gapes before looking annoyed, Gregory catches her expression and looks—as Tony may put it—'so done' with everything.


Anna huffed, annoyed that her brother was always getting ahead of her in these things. Much as she'd like to track them down, she already promised mother she'd help her with dinner. They discovered that they could, in fact, prepare blood, cooking it the way humans would, and it actually tastes all the more better that way. They were having blood sausage and stew for Tony's first night back. But Freda has yet to get the hang of it while Anna, being human before, had the instincts to prepare it and was a fast learner when the old lady taught it to them.

"Never you mind, girl." Gregory says, putting his hands on her shoulders, "we have things to prepare. Let Rudolph alone with his mortal friend."

Anna rolls her eyes, "Fine. But I get to sit next to him during dinner."

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