Success [FINALE]

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Disclaimer Not to take light of the possibility of trauma and psychological damage that may come with it. This is purely for the sake of the plot.

Rudolph paced back and forth in front of his room, currently shared room with Tony, indecisively. Tony could be at the other side and he wasn't sure where he should even start, in terms of apologizing. And he really didn't want to make this any worse.

"Okay, okay, rehearse the words, rehearse the words..." Rudolph sighed, pacing off the floor, "what are words?" He grumbled irritably.


The vampire cried out in alarm, practically launching himself to the air and smacking his head directly at the ceiling above. He groaned as he hovered and slowly started his descent back to the floor. Tony covered his mouth with his hand, trying not to snicker. The vampire felt a bit encouraged, seeing as the blond's mood was relatively better than what it had been earlier.

He pushed forward.

"So, um, about our earlier squabble..." The vampire swallowed, as Tony paused to give him his full, focused attention. "I apologize, Tony." Rudolph started, rubbing the back of his neck, "Even if we're... That is, if you don't want to be friends anymore..." He bit his lip, to stop himself from breaking into tears. "I still... I just... wanted to let you know that."

Tony blinked, staring at the vampire. "Rudy, what are you talking about?" He frowned. "Of course I still want to be friends."

"But you-" Rudolph gawked, staring back at Tony, daring to let hope back into his heart. "you said you didn't want to be my friend anymore. And..." He hesitated, as if in pain as he remembered. "I hurt you."

Tony sighed, smiling slightly and looking at the vampire fondly, "Dude, I was angry. People usually say things they don't really mean when they're angry, that said, I don't think you meant to hurt me either." he told him. "I just needed to cool down, you know."

"Um," Rudolph still looked awkward, "we don't have these 'air conditions' you speak of installed in the rooms yet..."

Tony laughed again, and Rudolph couldn't help but smile. Whatever frigidness had been between them was starting to thaw.

"No, no." The blond shook his head. "It means that I needed to calm down. In a sense, needed to 'stop feeling angry' I guess." He said, rubbing the back of his head. "And... I guess I want to say sorry, too. I mean, if I look at it in your way, I guess I wouldn't be okay with anyone messing with you either." Tony conceded.

The blond remembered that they knew each other for about a day, and he had already felt a good amount of hate for Rookery, and it was beyond what a random person would feel by simple indignant justice.

"So..." Rudolph smiled a bit, looking a bit hopeful. "uh... Does that mean I can actually hurt them now?"

Instead of getting angry, Tony simply laughed. "Dude, that would defeat the purpose of apologizing in the first place!" He snorted, but continued. "Still, if you really wanna get back to them, violence out of the picture... However, that doesn't mean there is 'nothing' you can do."

Rudolph noted Tony's smirk, and had a feeling he was going to enjoy another one of the mortal's ideas.


At the next day, Tony asked Anna's help to sell the tickets to the McAshton brothers. While she was still confused why that her spell was no longer being as effective as it was, the vampire agreed to offer her services. Somehow, it pleased her that Nigel and Flint were susceptible to her spell, even if she didn't particular care for their attention.

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