Im pregnant

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I came to Enzo's training room, he was boxing. he looked up when he saw me. "Hi do you umm have some time to talk I brought lunch I said as I hold up a bag of food. I have something to tell you", I can tell I looked very nervous.
He comes over and gently takes the bag of food from me. "Of course you have my time I'm always free for you what is it that you want to tell me"? I took a deep breath and sat down. I grab my bag and grab an ultrasound out, I handed it to him and said, "I found out I was pregnant, I'm about eight weeks". I hand him the ultrasound
He freezes and stares at the ultrasound for a long time before he slowly looks back at me. I was nervous to see his reaction after all he is my friend, my best friend at that, we have known each other since we were about five years old, him being six.
"I'm pregnant I wanted to tell you because you're my best friend my ex the father of my baby he doesn't know how to feel I guess he's scared to be a dad, his own walking out." I said as I rub my belly that has started to form a baby bump. Still stunned by the news he looks back at the ultrasound and he sighs and says. "I can't believe this is happening I'm just so surprised but I want you to know that I will do everything I can to help you and the baby and I will be with you every step of the way no matter what happens I promise you this I will never leave your side I love you."

I started to tear up I go and hug him "Thank you for being my best friend Enzo." He hugs me and responds back "no problem I'm always here for you I'll do whatever it takes to make sure this baby is safe and healthy and I'll be there to help you with everything from now on I'm not letting you do this alone" I slowly lean out the hug and wipe my tears away enough of being sad I wanted to talk about a more happy topic. "How are you and your girlfriend Angel is it?"
I asked him

He sighs and laughs nervously "she's not happy that I'm spending so much time with you but I've told her that I'm just doing this because you're my best friend but deep down I think she thinks that I'm in love with you but she's wrong I would never do that to her I love her way too much to hurt her like that."

I look concerned and said "Please tell me you told her she's wrong and that i'm just your best friend and that you love her very much." He hesitates for a few seconds but then nods "Yes of course I told her that she's the only woman for me and I would never do anything to hurt her I would never cheat on her or hurt her in any way I've reassured her that you're just my best friend and nothing more."
I didn't notice that he hesitated for I was already planing to make things right. "Let's do something Angel, me, and you; can tell her straight up that we have nothing going on but friendship." I can tell he was surprised by my suggestion "Are you sure that's a good idea?" He questioned "I mean she's probably going to think that you're trying to steal me from her or something"
"I don't know, I can just be the third wheel or something yall two can be lovely and happy I'll be background or something do you have another idea." I tilted my head He thinks for a few seconds then smiles "How about we all go out to dinner together as friends? I could introduce you to my girlfriend and you could show her that there's nothing romantic going on between us it might be a little awkward at first but I think she'll eventually get used to it."

I smile. "Okay when." He smiles "how about this weekend?"
"Okay, I can do that." I nodded. He smiles "Great I'll tell her about it right now and hopefully everything goes well."
I smile I look at my phone and notice my ex texted me about the baby.
He notices me look at my phone and notices the text "what's wrong?"

"Nothing just my baby's father asking about the baby that's all." I look at my phone look. "I have to go so just text me the um time and place for the dinner and I'll be there."
He notices that i'm trying to avoid talking about the ex okay. "I understand I'll text you the details later on don't worry about it I'll take care of everything just go take care of that ex of yours alright."
I smile nervously I walked away, while calling my ex and asking him what he meant by that text. As i'm talking to my ex; I'm trying find my keys to my car as I'm already in the parking lot.

I found my keys I got in my car and sat in there talking to my ex, I said to Achilles my ex; are you going to be apart of my baby's life or not I cannot do this back and forth with you right now." He sighed over the phone and said. "Look Beautiful this is a lot to take in, you know this isn't what we planned to do, I don't know if I can be a good dad. I didn't have the best dad."
I said to Achilles, "I know this isn't what we had plan okay believe me it's not easy for me either. I'm still in my med program i'm this close to being a pediatrician."
"Achilles this isn't what I wanted but imma have to deal with it so either you be a man about it and step up or you leave and don't contact me again because I'm scared." "Achilles I'm pregnant I don't know what to do, so you decide we don't have to get back together you can just be my friend we can just co parent this baby be friends."
I can just feel his mind going as he responds.

"I know Beautiful look let me think about it okay, I don't want to be like my dad and up and leave I wanna make the right decision for both of us."
I sighed and said to Achilles. "Where are you know when I need you around." " Achilles just call me back when you decide okay I'm tired when you make your decision call." I hung up the phone I started my car I put my head on the steering wheel to calm down after a minute or two. I pull out of the parking lot to go back home.
I get home, I took a shower my shirts fitting a little tighter I put some shorts on and socks and went to my kitchen to find something to eat. I cooked dinner and ate after I cleaned the kitchen and went to the bathroom and bushed my teeth.

I set my alarm for tomorrow morning, so I can get up for my shift at the hospital as an intern.

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