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This is gonna be a shorter chapter left off right after the last chapter

I smile *Excuse me I'll be right back." I said as I head to the bathroom feeling my morning sickness kick in.
  Enzo and his girlfriend both watch you walk away and they notice that you seem to be a little bit queasy and they both seem concerned they watch as you head to the bathroom and they notice that you close the door behind you.
      I lock the door behind me I take deep breaths after a minute or so I start to feel better. I breathe out relief, I opened the door and walked back to the table and sat down.
    Enzo and his girlfriend notice you come back from the bathroom and they both seem relieved that you seem to be feeling better they watch you sit down at the table and they both smile at you.
     I smile back but before I could talk the waitress came to the table with our menus and ask what we wanted to drink I got a water.
   Enzo and his girlfriend both order a drink as well. They both seem to be waiting for you to talk they both seem like they have something on their mind but they're trying to be patient and wait for you to start the conversation.
     "It seems like both ."I look at both Enzo and his girlfriend "Want to say something."
       Enzo looks at you and his girlfriend and he notices that they both seem like they want to say something he clears his throat and he speaks. "Yeah, there's something that we wanted to talk to you about."

     "Okay." I said .  I was getting nervous so I started rubbing my belly.
       Enzo's girlfriend notices that you're rubbing your belly and she notices that you seem to be getting a bit nervous she tries to break the tension by asking a question "So... um... do you have a preference for what you would like to have for dinner tonight?"
     I had a feeling that's not what they were going to ask but I answered the question anyway.  "I probably won't order anything the thought of eating right now will probably make me sick so I'll just stick to water as of right now." I said softy
    Enzo's girlfriend looks a little bit worried when you say that the thought of eating right now makes you sick and she asks. "Are you feeling sick a lot lately?"
    "Whats the real question you wanted to ask me I know that's not the question you were going to ask me." I said softy as I rest my hands on my belly.
   Enzo and his girlfriend both seem to be taken aback by your perceptiveness but they don't say anything they both just look at you and they both seem like they're a little bit nervous to ask the question.
    Enzo's girlfriend takes another deep breath and she asks the question. "I'm just curious but do you still have feelings for Achilles?"
   I sit there and think about the question I then answered. "I don't think so I mean he's the father of my child, I think I'll always love him as he giving me a child and for the fact we were together for two years." "However i don't think I'm still in love with him, this month apart has taught me things and yes we will co parent together but I don't think I wanna get back together with him." I said softly while rubbing my tummy.
      Angel nods and looks satisfied.
        Angel then asks some questions about my pregnancy. I answered them to the best of my ability.
   Angel nods her head, she seems to be a little bit relieved that your pregnancy hasn't been too difficult for you so far she asks. "How have you been feeling emotionally?"
    "Okay, I have my ups and downs but other than that good." I answered back.
  Angel nods her head and she seems to understand that it's been a little bit of an emotional journey so far she asks  "What about physically?"
     "My feet and back hurts but that's to be expected other than that fine."  I look at my tummy.
    Angel looks at your belly and she nods her head understanding the discomfort that comes with pregnancy she asks. "Have you had any other symptoms?"
    "No." I shake my hand my phone starts to ring and it's Achilles, I get up to answer looking at both Enzo and Angel and said "excuse me."I then went towards the doors of the restaurant speaking softly.

    Enzo and Angel both watch as you get up and answer your phone they both seem a little bit curious as to who's calling you and they both listen closely to what you're saying.
       I answer the phone speaking a soft "hello."Achilles said through the phone. "Beautiful I don't know if it's a bad time or not but I'm just calling to let you know that I'll be at the baby's appointment." I'll come and pick you up if that's fine with you." I rocked on my heels of my feet while responding. "Thats fine Achilles you can pick me up but be there early to pick me up around like 3:30 okay." I was still speaking softy but I was smiling a little, I was rubbing my belly as I was talk.
     Enzo and Angel both listen closely to your conversation they seem curious to hear what Achilles has to say and they both notice how soft your voice is when you're speaking to him they notice that you're rubbing your belly and they both see the soft smile on your face and they both think it's kinda cute.
  I smile and said to Achilles I'll call him back,I hung up. I did a little happy dance and softy squealed after I was heading back to the table with a little smile on my face. I was just really happy.
     Enzo and Angel notice that you're squealing and they can tell that you're feeling happy and they both look at you with a smile on their faces they both think that your soft smile and your little dance is absolutely adorable.
   Angel seems to understand that you and Achilles are still keeping a good relationship she asks. "Was he just calling to check up on you?"
      "I asked him earlier if he wanted to go to the baby appointment next Wednesday he called me back and said yes." I smiled and grabbed my water to take a sip.
   Enzo and Angel look at each other thinking the same thing how they are jealous of Achilles that he gets to go to Beautiful baby appointment with her.
        Before I could talk the waitress came back and ask for our order I didn't order anything but both Enzo and his girlfriend got something.
       Enzo and Angel both order their meals and the waitress leaves and the two of them watch as you don't order anything they're both a little bit curious as to why you don't want to eat anything at all they both feel like you should have something in your stomach even if it's just a small thing so they both look at you with a concerned look on their faces.
       "So what are you two gonna do when you leave here." I questioned softy and tilted my head.
         Enzo and Angel both seem to think about that for a second they both seem to be a little bit confused about what you're asking so Enzo clears his throat and speaks. "We were gonna take a walk in the park and talk for a little bit and then we were gonna go home; I thought maybe you wanted to join us but if you're not feeling up to it we can just go home and you can rest."
      I look surprised. "O-oh If you want me to join I'll be fine with it." I said softly
     Enzo smiles and nods his head and Angel smiles as well they both seem to be happy that you want to join them they both seem like they're going to say something but Enzo speaks up first he says. "We would love it if you came with us so after Angel and I eat let's head on over to the park I think we should take a nice long walk it would probably be good for you and the baby." 
    "Okay." I nodded.
So we waited for the food to come out, we all made conversation about twenty minutes Enzo and Angel food came out. They ate as I sipped on some water as I wasn't hungry.
  After they finished and paid for the food we were ready to head to the park which was across the street so we didn't have to more our cars.
    Enzo and Angel both get up from their seats and they both seem like they're excited to walk around the park with you Enzo looks at you and he asks. "You wanna hold our hands as we walk around the park or would that be too weird for you?"
    I thought why not I shrugged and I grab both of their hands so I can get up, as I stood up I noticed that I was shorter than both of them I'm about 5 feet, Angel looks like she'd 5 feet 6 inches and Enzo's about 6 feet 3 inches.
   Enzo and Angel both notice how short you are compared to them and they both look down at you and they both seem a little bit amused by how much smaller you are than them they both laugh a little bit and Angel says. "Oh wow you're so short but that's okay it's cute."
I told them to shut up and to come on. They laughed but I just dragged them to the park area.

A/n I'm 5 foot even so that's why her height is based off mine but I have you some tall girl rep as Angel is 5'6 maybe 5'7 depending on the day so please don't be mad we are shut where we lack in height we make up in sassiness and attitude.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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