Ch 1: The Quiet Place

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The city from the eyes of a 10-year-old is a funny thing. It's too noisy. Except when you're in the park, then being noisy is fun! That's when Mamma and I have races around the swings and she waits for me at the bottom of the slide. The only other place that is fun while being loud is home. The TV is always on, with LEGOs scattered across the floors; which is fun, but stepping on them isn't.

In the city, "The Quiet Place" is fun to stay at. Where Mamma wears a big white coat and oversized glasses. Mamma's friends always make sure to smile as they pass by. Short reminders to "stay at Mamma's office" spilling out of every mouth. Being alone is lonely in "The Quiet Place". There is never enough paper for all my drawings, and my Barbies have already played out every imaginable scenario. The good thing about "The Quiet Place" is, it's never boring for a long time. Mamma always brings back something new and fun to do!

This time, however, the person coming into Mamma's office wasn't Mamma. It wasn't anyone who worked at "The Quiet Place". The hair that came into my line of vision was unforgettable, vibrant, and red. Her smile was pretty. "I'm here to take you to your dad," she said. Her voice sounded weird, it must have been the way the lady was crouching down to meet my eyes. "What is the password?" I asked her, trying to sound braver than I felt.

The pretty woman looked like she was a safe person, most people were in "The Quiet Place" but, Mamma had a specific password that Auntie and Granny had to say in case they got abducted by aliens, whatever that meant. I'm smart enough to know that aliens aren't actually real.

She smiled at me while the words flowed out of her mouth. I looked at her with suspicion, but then she said the exact words Mamma had told me, "Solder". It was the password, so I knew it was okay to go with her. I held her hand and we walked out of "The Quiet Place", leaving my drawings and Barbies behind. There was a strange feeling of excitement and nervousness as we stepped outside, ready to meet my father who Mamma rarely mentioned and who Mamma's friends avoided whenever I asked about him.

I looked up at the pretty lady, her hair was moving with the bounce of her heels and sway of her hips. "I thought my daddy was dead!" I said with a smile beaming on my face. I see her eyebrows furrow in confusion and then she shakes her head while smiling. "We all did at some point kid". I tilt my head, a bit confused by what she meant by that but, I didn't think much of it, maybe adults say funny things like Mamma does.

As the lady pushed through the double doors and held them open for me, the city noise flooded my ears again. I squeezed the lady's hand a little tighter. A black car was parked outside with a man leaning on the door. "Is that my daddy?" I asked. "I thought you'd be, different," I say sounding polite like my Mamma taught me to be.

The man looked at the lady with red hair with wide eyes, they seemed to communicate with just a look. "I'm not your daddy kid." I frown and look from his shoes to his hair, studying how shiny they look. Did he just buy that outfit? Mine never stays that clean. "Oh...not again!" I sigh.

"Natasha, what information did you feed her?" he says raising a brow in an accusatory tone.

"I didn't say anything, why are you the first to accuse me of such false allegations," she says exasperated with a hand on her heart in a joking manner.

"She didn't feed me anything, I already ate," I say in a matter-of-fact tone, hoping to clear up any confusion. "And anyway, I thought you were my daddy because of the way she smiled at you," I add, pointing at the red-haired lady. "Mamma always says people smile more at people they love."

He stares at me with a blank expression then looks back to the lady I assume is Natasha.

"Just get her in the car Natasha," he says rubbing his eyes with his finger and thumb.

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