1. A beautiful man

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I slowly opened my eyes just to close it again, feeling blinded by the lights. After blinking a few times, I open it again to meet two unfamiliar stoic faces looking at me

"Tell boss he is awake"

One instructed the other as he quickly ran outside the room, probably calling their boss

But who are they?

Who is the boss?

And most importantly what am I doing here?


I held my head as it started hurting while memories before I passed out came rushing back

I was walking back home after finishing my work at the cafe when I got approached by the debtors. I got heavily beaten up by them to the point I was almost passed out. I remember another group, probably their rivals came before everything went black & I lost consciousness fully

Are they the people I am indebt to?

The door slowly opened as some people dressed fully in black just like the one in the room came rushing in

Another man probably in his early 20's came followed by another group of black dressed people

The man in his early 20's, who is probably their boss had black eyes, pointed nose, soft pink lips. His hair was neatly styled & he was wearing a formal suit. Even though he had a stoic face, he looked really handsome

And his eyes

They were just so...


I can't help but look at him with my mouth slightly parted in awe. I have never seen such a beautiful man in my life

"I'm glad you are awake"

Unlike his expression, his voice was really soft as he talked

"Who are you?"

I asked straightforwardly, feeling too tired to talk formally as he took a sit infront of me.

My one hand still held my throbbing head, hoping it will somehow ease the pain as he spoke in his soft voice again

"I'm Zee Pruk Panich"

Wait... he isn't the one I owe money to but the name does sound familiar. Where did I hear it?

Zee Pruk Panich

Zee Pruk Panich


Isn't he one of the most successful businessman of Thailand as well as one of the most powerful mafia according to rumors? I heard that even powerful people are scared of him

But what does he want from me?

"Don't worry I won't hurt you. I just have something to talk to you about. Drink the water first"

I eyed the glass of water suspiciously as his subordinate handed me one

"Don't worry, it's safe"

He chuckled, the deep voice made my heart beat faster than usual, probably because I'm nervous

I handed back the glass as I drank it in one go, actually feeling a lot better than earlier.

"So Nunew..."

His subordinates left the room as he motioned them to do so while I looked at him in disbelief

"How do you know my name?"

He smiled amusingly

"I know everything about you"

"Why? How?"

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