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" I'm bored!" I declared suddenly. I received three glares. I huffed.
" can we drive now?" I asked. Katie slowly turned around in her seat to glare at me.

"Does it look like we can?" She asked.

"Well yeah we have a driver and a car." I snapped. Chloe glared and both of us and we quieted down.

I turned towards the window and pulled out my phone.

A- Ew
H- Hello to you to love, what's wrong?
A- We're stranded in the middle of nowhere :(
H- What road?
A- Idek like croakberry or something
H- Cookaberry?
A- Yeah that!
H- The prince is coming to rescue the princess xox
A- smh why???
H- you love me :P
A- Your words not mine ;P
H- I'm not coming for you now...
A- No! Baby I'm sorry I love you don't leave me Katie has her feet by the vent and it stinks!!!
H- Well in that case I guess I can come
A- Rude! - __ -
H- Naw, but I'm on my way! I caught a ride with Ash xo
A- See you soon! Thanks babe xx

I smiled stupidly at my phone. Zainab was giving me weird looks but I just shook my head. She rolled her eyes and smiled.

"Does the radio work?" I asked cautiously not wanting to be yelled at again.

"Finally a useful question." Katie joked and reached for the button.

I jumped when I heard the music roar through the speakers at full volume.

"Oh shit sorry." Katie said rushing to turn it down, only to have me reach over her and turn it back up.

"Why?" Katie groaned at me loudly.

"Do you not recognized the song?" I asked in disbelief Katie and I have fangirled over this band many times.

' I'm dying to live
Something's gotta give'

Katie looked a bit confused yet. Probably because the car started to make a loud noise that covered the song.

"I'm cramping up! I'm cramping up!" I yelled over the noise.

Katie's face light up and she started screaming the lyrics with me!

Chloe and Zainab shared a series of looks during our singing session which I just shook off.

It was mid song when Katie and I looked at each other before we both jumped out of the car and started dancing on the side of the road.

The song ended and we started laughing. I heard a cat call and turned around sharply. Of course I tripped over my feet and rolled down the little hill. I looked up at Katie and burst out laughing again.

Katie being Katie fell over laughing and joined me at the bottom of the hill.

"And you asked me why?" I heard a deep voice say. I jumped up and looked around for Harry. "BOO!" I screamed and jumped at the noise.

" I hate you." I pouted and glared at Harry. I hit him on the chest lightly. Harry was to busy laughing to be bothered responding.

After he caught his breath he turned towards me. "I can still leave." He threatened.

"Just kidding I love you so much thank you for coming." I said hugging him. He laughed like he does every time we hug.

"You're so short." he joked.

"Just because some of us are short doesn't mean you can rub it in." I pouted. "Chloe, Harry is making fun of my height!" I yelled. Chloe always stood up for me even though she made fun of my height a lot too. She liked to think she was the only one who could laugh at me.

Harry's face was hilarious as soon as he heard Chloe's voice getting closer. It was the best thing when Harry was getting yelled at because he towered over everyone so you'd assume he wouldn't be scared, yet every time he looks like a little boy who was caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

"You're screwed." I whispered.

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