Weight of the Past

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Once again, Elena found herself cradled in the arms of a stranger. He had a fair complexion, with strands of white hair cascading over his forehead, and piercing blue eyes that seemed to hold secrets untold.

As she glanced to her side, she noticed another figure nearby, their features shrouded in uncertainty.

Turning her gaze, she beheld a scene of utter devastation. Flames licked the sky, casting an eerie glow over the ruined landscape. Mountains lay in jagged disarray, and amidst the chaos, warriors in armor stood as silent sentinels. Their bodies bore the scars of battle, some missing limbs, others devoid of heads. Below, a river of blood snaked its way , a testament to the violence that had transpired.

Her attention snapped back to the man holding her as his voice cut through the silence, his words ominous and foreboding. "I will raze Elysium to the ground," he declared with chilling certainty.

A shiver raced down Elena's spine, jolting her awake from the haunting vision.

"Miss Elena, I hope you had a good sleep," said the teacher, prompting an eruption of laughter from the entire class. As Elena struggled to shake off the remnants of her haunting nightmare, she realized she was in the middle of a history lesson.

"I'm sorry, I must have dozed off," Elena replied, her mind still clouded with thoughts of the enigmatic figure from her dream.

She had been plagued by the same recurring nightmare since childhood, but in recent times, it had become more vivid and frequent. "I wonder if it's some kind of prophecy," Elena mused to herself, her thoughts drifting to the mysterious man with white hair and blue eyes. "Could he be connected to the Mickelson house?"

Members of the Mickelson were known to possess distinct features: white hair, blue eyes, and fair complexion. Elena herself exhibited these traits.

"But who could it be?" she wondered silently to herself."

"Miss Elena, could you please focus here?" the teacher's warning snapped Elena back to reality, and she straightened up in her seat, determined to concentrate on the lesson.

The topic of discussion was the founder of Elysium, Salazar Elysium, and how he, along with the gods, had established the land. He also fought against his best friend, who attempted to betray the Gods.

Elena found history intriguing but it also stirred up unwelcome reminder of her father, Daemon Mickelson, the tyrant king who had ruled Elysium until his demise at the hands of his own people.

Although her father was killed when she was just a child, and she cannot recall anything about him, she has heard and read only terrible things about him. Stories of how he used to kill people for amusement and derive pleasure from women forcefully, with her being the product of such a reprehensible act.

She feared the mention of his name, dreading the piercing gazes of her classmates filled with disdain. Today, however, she was spared; after all, Salazar had lived 3000 years ago.

As the bell finally rang, signaling the end of class, Elena hastily packed her belongings, eager to escape the confines of the classroom. But before she could leave, she was interrupted by her classmate.

"Hey," the girl said softly, "the headmaster is looking for you."

Elena's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Me? But why?"

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