Hidden Agenda

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In Alaric's Lab, Alaric was startled to find Evengilena and her imposing bodyguard, Vajra, standing before him. Vajra's firm grip silenced Alaric's screams against the wall, while Evengilena shut the door behind her.

"Quiet, Alaric. Will you promise not to make a scene if Vajra releases you?" Evengilena demanded.

Alaric nodded . As Vajra loosened his hold, he wasted no time.

"Why are you here?" Alaric managed to ask.

"I'm here to obliterate all my Pluton-related research and kill you," Evengilena declared.

"But I'm no genius like you! Without that research, I can't replicate Pluton," Alaric pleaded.

"Pathetic," Evengilena scoffed, setting fire to the lab.

"Please, anything you ask," Alaric begged.

Handing him a vial, Evengilena laid out her terms: "Administer a drop of this serum to Elena every day for the next 70 days. You can mix it with other serums. Fail, and you die."

"But I can't risk Elena's life," Alaric protested.

"Do as I say, or face the consequences," Evengilena warned, before leaving with Vajra.

As Evengilena and Vajra walked outside, the cool night air whispered through the trees, carrying with it memories of a time long past. Evengilena was lost in nostalgia, her thoughts drifting to the years she had spent in Elysium. Vajra, however, had some questions to ask.

"What was that serum? Does Emilia know?" Vajra pressed.

"She doesn't need to know, and neither do you," Evengilena retorted, her tone final.

"This place holds so many memories. I miss some of the people," she confessed.

"You've never struck me as one to miss people," Vajra remarked.

"I detest most, but there are a select few whom I like," Evengilena admitted, her gaze distant.

"Who?" Vajra inquired.

"Nicklaus, Katherina, Eizen, and..." Her voice faltered, eyes glistening with unshed tears.

"And?" Vajra pressed.

"And my dearest friends, Salazar and Magnus," Evengilena concluded, her emotions laid bare.

As they made their way to their meeting point, they found Jerald and Emilia already waiting.

"Did you destroy your Pluton research?" Emilia inquired, her mask concealing her expression.

"Of course," replied Evengelina firmly.

"I still think we should have killed that Alaric guy, just to be safe," Emilia suggested.

"He's a fool. He can never create Pluton on his own. You have nothing to worry about," Evengelina reassured.

As they wait for Lucus, Jerald observes Emilia, who is standing alone and gazing at the moon. Behind that mask lies a girl with blue eyes and white hair, a Mickelson. "Who are you, Emilia?" he wonders.

He walks towards Emilia. "You are the daughter of Nicklaus Mickelson, right?" Jerald asks Emilia.

Emilia does not reply, her expressions hidden behind the mask.

"That can be the only explanation for you to come here to kill Draken; after all, he was the one who killed Nicklaus," says Jerald.

Still no reply.

"And your mother?" He walks closer to her. "It was Kathrina, wasn't it?"

Emilia turns towards Jerald. Jerald smiles.

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