The head teacher

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As Mr. Wilson walked into the boys' locker room, he spotted Connor and his friends chatting away. With a serious expression on his face, he called out to Connor, "Hey, Connor! Come to my office, buddy. And you guys, head back to class."

Connor's friends looked at each other in confusion, wondering what was going on. Connor himself felt a mix of curiosity and nervousness as he followed Mr. Wilson out of the locker room, leaving his friends behind.

Walking down the hallway, Connor's mind raced with questions. What did Mr. Wilson want? Was he in trouble? The uncertainty made his heart race, but he knew he had to face whatever awaited him in the head teacher's office.

Sitting nervously in Mr. Wilson's office, Connor shifted in his seat as Mr. Wilson looked at him with a stern expression. "Connor, I need to know why you weren't in class during 4th period. It's important to attend all your classes."

Connor's mind raced, knowing that he couldn't possibly tell Mr. Wilson the truth. After all, how could he explain that he was busy fighting a werewolf in the Blood Moons Pack hideout? That would definitely sound crazy.

Thinking quickly, Connor replied, "Well, Mr. Wilson, you see, I had a really bad headache. It was pounding so hard that I couldn't concentrate in class, so I went to the nurse's office for some rest."

Mr. Wilson raised an eyebrow, clearly skeptical of Connor's excuse. "A headache, huh? That's unfortunate. I hope you're feeling better now. But I have to call your parents to let them know about your absence."

Connor's heart sank as he knew his parents would be concerned. He wished he could tell them the truth, but he knew they wouldn't believe him either. He braced himself for the phone call and the consequences that would follow.

Mr. Wilson made the call to Connor's parents, explaining the situation. Connor's parents listened attentively, expressing their concern for their son's health. They agreed to monitor his headaches and make sure he was taking care of himself.

David and Jasmine Grey walked into Mr. Wilson's office, feeling a bit worried and curious. They knew something had happened between Connor and Graham, and now the head teacher's concern about Connor's behavior and his absence from 4th period added to their worries.

As they entered the office, Mr. Wilson greeted them with a serious look on his face. "Hey, Mr. and Mrs. Grey, thanks for coming in. I wanted to talk to you about what went down between Connor and Graham during 4th period," he started.

David and Jasmine exchanged concerned looks, eager to find out what had happened. "Please, fill us in on the details," David said, his voice filled with fatherly concern.

Mr. Wilson explained the incident, making sure to highlight the impact it had on both Connor and Graham. He expressed his worry about Connor's behavior, mentioning that it was out of character for him.

Jasmine's eyes widened with worry. "We had no clue things had gotten this serious," she said, her voice tinged with concern. "Is there something specific you're worried about with Connor's behavior?"

Mr. Wilson nodded, understanding their concern. "Yeah, it's the first time we've seen this kind of behavior from Connor. We want to make sure we address it properly and help him understand the consequences of his actions."

David and Jasmine reassured Mr. Wilson that they were committed to addressing the situation. "We'll have a serious talk with Connor about his behavior and the importance of treating others with respect," David said firmly.

Jasmine chimed in, "We want to work together with the school to help Connor learn from this experience and grow into a responsible young adult."

Mr. Wilson appreciated their understanding and support. "Thanks, Mr. and Mrs. Grey. It's important that we tackle this issue together and guide Connor towards making better choices in the future."

"Mr. and Mrs. Grey, I also would like to mention about the incident that in art class. I wanted to discuss the incident that occurred between Connor and Graham during 5th period," he began.

David and Jasmine exchanged concerned glances, eager to understand what had transpired. "Please, tell us what happened," David said, his voice filled with fatherly concern.

Mr. Wilson explained the details of the incident, emphasizing the impact it had on both Connor and Graham. He expressed his concern about Connor's behavior, noting that it was out of character for him.

Jasmine's eyes widened with worry. "We had no idea things had escalated to this point," she said, her voice tinged with concern. "Is there anything specific you're worried about regarding Connor's behavior?"

Mr. Wilson nodded, understanding their concern. "Yes, it's the first time we've seen such behavior from Connor. We want to ensure that this is addressed appropriately and that he understands the consequences of his actions."

David and Jasmine reassured Mr. Wilson of their commitment to addressing the situation. "We'll have a serious talk with Connor about his behavior and the importance of treating others with respect," David said firmly.

Jasmine added, "We want to work together with the school to help Connor learn from this experience and grow into a responsible individual."

Mr. Wilson appreciated their understanding and support. "Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Grey. It's crucial that we address this issue together and guide Connor towards making better choices in the future."

As the meeting concluded, David and Jasmine left the office with a renewed determination to address the concerns about Connor's behavior. They knew it would take open communication, guidance, and understanding to help him navigate through this challenging phase.

As David drove the car, the tension was palpable. Connor sat in the backseat, feeling a mix of guilt and unease. He knew he had some explaining to do.

Jasmine turned to Connor, her voice filled with concern. "Connor, we need to talk about what happened today. about your absence from class and how you flipped up Graham's desk. What's going on, honey?"

Connor fidgeted in his seat, trying to find the right words. "Mom, Dad, I... I messed up. Graham was teasing me in front of everyone, and I just couldn't take it anymore. I got so angry, and I flipped his desk."

David glanced at Connor through the rearview mirror, his tone serious. "Son, we understand that people can be mean sometimes, but resorting to violence is not the solution. We're worried about your behavior. Why didn't you come to us or talk to a teacher about what was happening?"

Connor sighed, feeling a mix of regret and frustration. "I don't know, Dad. I guess I just felt so overwhelmed in the moment. I didn't think about the consequences."

Jasmine's voice softened as she reached out to comfort Connor. "We know it's tough when someone bullies you, but there are better ways to handle it. We're here to support you, but we need to find healthier ways for you to express your anger."

Connor nodded, his eyes downcast. "I'm sorry, Mom and Dad. I should have handled it differently. I'll try to do better next time."

David let out a deep breath, his tone firm but understanding. "Connor, we love you, and we want to help you through this. Let's work together to find ways for you to manage your anger and handle these situations in a more constructive way. Maybe we can look into anger management techniques or talk to a counselor."

Connor looked up, feeling a glimmer of hope. "Thanks, Mom and Dad. I appreciate your support. I want to learn how to handle my anger better and make things right."

Jasmine smiled warmly. "That's the spirit, Connor. We're in this together. We'll help you navigate through these challenges"

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