There's Nothing Like A Mad Woman

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I really really freaking HATE the way anger is treated. 

If you're pissed off at someone because they did something wrong or bad, you're told to calm down. It's almost a natural impulse for people. 

"Calm down," They'll say it instinctively. They'll rarely ever ask the other person to knock it off instead. You're told to forgive and forget. 

Why on earth would I do that when they don't deserve forgiveness? And I sure as hell ain't gonna forget someone walking all over me again and again. They ask you to move away so you don't inflict your anger on the person who caused it. 

Why? Why should I bottle up my emotions and suffer in silence when it isn't even my fault?

 "Anger is punishing yourself for someone else's mistake" That only applies if I don't do anything about my anger. 

Rationalised anger is not and never should be a negative emotion. It's your brain telling you that you're worthy of far better treatment than the one you are being subjected to. 

It's your body telling you to stand up and fight for yourself. It's you telling yourself that you and your feelings are valid, that you matter.

Thanks for listening! 

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