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Present day Athena's pov Athena the daughter of Aphrodite and Dracula finished packing her suitcase for her full year stay at monster high and slammed it shut calling ready"! Okay Athena are you excited to see deuce again"? Aphrodite Athena's mom asked in a teasing voice. Mom"!!!! Athena whined annoyed. I'm just teasing Athena". Aphrodite said hugging her daughter. This was Athena's first year at monster high but her mom knew deuce from her daily visits to see Medusa.Athena grabbed her suitcase and Aphrodite took her daughter to the portal to monster high Athena you have fun okay "? Aphrodite said to her daughter and don't forget to write even though you'll be having too much fun to write dear old mom". Aphrodite said to her daughter. I'm going to miss you so much mom". Athena said. I'm going to miss you too Athena but I'll have your cousin rose to keep me company". Aphrodite said hugging her daughter one last time before Athena stepped through the portal to monster high. As Athena ran into the school deuce noticed her and said to his best friend who's that'? Athena the daughter of Aphrodite and Dracula why"? Heath replied. No reason". Deuce replied. 


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