Chapter 3: New Floor, New secrets

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A few hours later...

The gang woke up from elevator that were falling now in new floor but see Melony is nowhere to be seen

Isabell was still out cold and it seems she got severely Injured in the crash

It seems Ford is taking a lead

Ford Brody; huh wonder what place is this

Tails: *picks up Isabell and hears a Heartbeat*

Tails: She's alive but barely

Esther Faith Hopp: Well that's good *lands on her feet*

Ruby Esther Hopp: NANA?!


They exploring a new floor when they see a Dead US Soldier with radio still on.

Esther Faith Hopp: So what happened on Floor 1?

Jonny: oh right You weren't with us when we went though floor 1

They explore and They Explained to Esther what had happened on floor 1

after that

They see a paper containing it's history of the hotel from foundation to today

apparently, it was created and powered by Isabell's blood and power

During the onset of 1990s


that could Explain why Isabell Knows her way around the hotel

They keep exploring when they find the Phantom ruby

and it caused Isabell to wake up

Isabell Rebellion: W-what happened

When the walk

they heard someone is screaming in distance

US Soldier: Help me please!!


Hide: quickly in here

They hid in room (hide spot)

Rush Breaks the lights as usual

Zip Rebellion: well that was TOO close

They find a last piece of De classified files of Hide, Hide is Female

Kelly Williams
When Isabell opened a random closet


They finds jack files


But SMG4 has Holy grenades and hit it on Screech


Meanwhile in Unknown room

???: Yes yes. I know sir. Mr puzzles out *hang up the phone call* so.... You telling me

???; Yes the guests are still alive and are getting closer to uncovering the truth

Back with our heroes

They walking in Hallway when they noticed shocking Melony is unconscious. but how did she get here

Melony Watermelon: ugh what happened?

Player: Melony are you Alright?

Melony Watermelon: I can't remember what happened to floor 1...

They filled her in

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