Chapter 2: The Others

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Lila would usually look forward to Christmas. The festive cheer around the castle was infectious, the decorations so elaborate. Every year she would make the relatively short journey home to the Scottish Borders where her family would be waiting to greet her. Warmth, companionship, family. All things that made her heart soar, and yet the thought of leaving the castle for two weeks felt impossible now. She was spending more and more time in the company of Richard, both publicly and privately. It wasn't shame that led her to visit him in the Owlery late at night, merely a growing desire to be alone with him, and dissuade the gossip that was already stirring around her.

Richard came to the castle more often, too—not only for Lila, though it appeared to be his main motivation. She'd spied him regularly conversing with the castle ghosts as she walked to lessons, and drifting through the Great Hall as she ate her meals. He would always cast her a glance and offer a smile that made her insides squirm and Sebastian roll his eyes from across the room. Richard seemed particularly close to one ghost in particular; Helena Ravenclaw, the brooding and often silent daughter of Rowena. She was said to only converse with members of her own house, but she seemed to enjoy Richard's company enough to talk with the former Gryffindor.

He is charming, after all, Lila had thought altogether too bitterly whilst watching the pair natter at the bottom of Ravenclaw tower. Tearing her gaze away, she carried on towards the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom, picking up her pace lest Professor Hecat landed her with a detention for arriving late—she wasn't to be trifled with when it came to punctuality. Sebastian was already in his usual spot, and he gave Lila a sidelong glance as she slid into the seat next to him, slightly breathless. Professor Hecat appeared from her office but a moment later, ushering her class to their feet and clearing away the tables with a flick of her wand.

"Can anyone tell me why non-verbal spells are so valuable when duelling an opponent?" Professor Hecat asked the class.

"The element of surprise," Sebastian drawled.

"Precisely. And?"

"You can still cast whilst silenced."

"Indeed. Langlock is a disastrous jinx if you've no ability to cast non-verbally. I want you all to divide into pairs and practise your shield charms without speaking."

Lila swivelled her head to look at Sebastian, who already had a smirk on his face and was backing away from her with his wand ready. She drew her own wand, taking a defensive stance. Before she could even open her mouth to ask who would be practising their shield, Sebastian had thrown a disarming charm at her.


His spell glanced off of her shield and she glared at him as he folded his arms and chuckled.

"I wasn't ready," Lila said through gritted teeth.

"Do you think you'll get a warning in a real fight?"

He was right, but his cocky demeanour only riled her up; she had to resist the urge to hit him with a blasting curse. Sebastian readied himself again, and this time Lila was ready. The red light exploded from Sebastian's wand as she tried to conjure the purple shield around herself, only managing a faint flicker which faded as the spells impacted. Luckily, it was enough to diminish the power of his cast, her wand only giving a little wiggle in her tight grip. Lila looked at him triumphantly, but he just returned a bored shake of his head, as if he were terribly disappointed in her. Arse.

"You'd have this if you weren't distracted thinking about your ghost boyfriend," he teased.

Oh, that satisfied little smirk was begging to be wiped off his face, and the bitter jibe was a step too far for Lila. Her expression remained blank—her best poker face—with a flick of her wrist she sent her own silent Expelliarmus flying towards Sebastian. He was quick, but not quick enough as the spell hit its mark and sent his wand flying, clattering to the floor near Professor Hecat.

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