Chapter 1

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She skipped between the frost covered trees and stopped. This is it Fury. This is your time. You can do this. With all her physical strength, Fury bawled her fists together and then created a triangle with her palms. She willed the magic to course through her, the magic she had been waiting on for years.

C'mon. C'mon. There's no better time than now.

Fury started to think about everything that angered her. The way the twins would criticize her for not being able to wield, the way she watched everyone come down the stage on graduation day, and the few times she sat in her room and cried. Angry cried.

I need to do this. I need to prove myself. I was born into this world, and I'm going to end it with the strength of a thousand wielders.

For the seventh time today, Fury collapsed. She screeched high into the air until you could see the birds panicking, jumping from the trees into the evening sky as if there were something chasing them.

Fury stared at the ground, not knowing what to do next.

"Fury, you still can't wield yet?" a voice tantalizingly could be heard from behind her.

Fury growled. Behind her, Celeste Remund could be seen standing with some of the other student wielders.

"I didn't ask you Celeste. Now please, leave me alone."

Celeste could be heard laughing. "I guess I didn't even have to ask. Not only can't you wield, but you can't even stand up straight anymore."

The crowd behind her continued to laugh. Fury shrugged off the dirt on her tunic and walked out of the grass archway into the camp. For the last two years, Fury had been waiting for the day her power would emerge.

Arenthia is an island nation located 60 miles off the coast of the nation of Irion. For decades, Irion and Arenthia have been at war over who the islands belonged to. The special part about Arenthia is all of the element wielders. Conducted of 5 islands, each island houses the families of the wielders who possess an elemental gift, or magical power, used to fight against the Irion forces, who hold no magic at all.

Fury lived on the island of the water wielders. Her father, the general of the entire nation of Arenthia, had expected her powers to be awakened by now. Nobody really understands how wielders began, but it is hereditary. Since her father is the strongest water wielder in all of the nation, Fury should've had her powers by now. Every wielder starts to show their powers around the age of 21, but Fury is currently 24 and has shown no trace of power at all.

Fury and her father's relationship has always been tough, but since this, it has only gotten worse. Since before 21, Fury had been her father's best friend, her shining light, the one thing he could be proud of.

She loved riding with him on horseback in the commencement parades. She loved being next to him when it came to working on his daily projects, such as the garden he commemorated her mother with.

As Fury walked into the camp, she could see her father talking to a soldier about daily duties. Fury didn't make eye contact with him. He tended to ignore her now, regarding her as a failure.

The camp was made up of sections. Each water wielder had daily duties that needed tending too. The three sections consisted of hunters, gatherers, builders, and students. Fury currently stayed with the students, trying to not only wield magic but learn once her powers emerged.

In all of the 15 years of the war, there have only been three other wielders whose powers never showed. Jake Arrapeth, deceased from drowning in the Mitisuki Ocean, Annabelle Arrabeth, a currently elderly lady who lived on the outskirts of Arenthia on the earth island, and Fury. They were labeled as "duds."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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