Burritos ground you

42 2 1

Age: 13-14

TW: injections, allergies, sneezing, burritos 


Taylor and Belle are seen walking off the plane together, where they were greeted by Andrea with warm hugs.

 "Honey, hi, how are you?" Andrea greeted while embracing both her baby and grandbaby. "Oh honey, you've gotten so much taller since I've seen you last," she said smiling at Belle.

"Grandma, I literally saw you two days ago," Belle said teasing Andrea affectionately causing all three women to laugh.


"There's so much pressure that goes into putting out new music," Taylor narrates. "If I don't beat everything I've done prior, it'll be deemed as a colossal failure. Though I definitely think having a strong support system, just being around my daughter helps put things in perspective."

Taylor, Belle, and Andrea are sitting at a table for a meeting in Taylor's management office with her team. In Belle's opinion they didn't always talk about the most exciting things. "When I'm working is a good opportunity for you to get your school work done," Taylor said in a firm but gentle tone. 

And so Belle sat at the table on her laptop doing 8th grade-History while Taylor and her team discussed the details of her latest album. Taylor was really grateful to have Belle by her side it reminded her of what was really important-family and love her daughter really helped her keep things in perspective. 


*Off camera* "Sweetheart, it's time for your medication. I almost forgot," Taylor said, her voice soft but laced with urgency. Rummaging through her bag, the older women pulled out the necessary supplies for Belle's injectable blood thinners. 

Belle frowned before closing her laptop, "do we have to?" She complained.

"Babe, it's better we get this over with sooner rather than later," Taylor responded gently, her heart aching with the knowledge of what was to come. Despite her global fame and countless battles she'd faced in the public eye, nothing compared to the personal trials she navigated in caring for Belle. 

As Taylor administered the medication, Belle's cries pierced the silence of the room. The medication burned going through Belle's veins and unavoidable pain the broke Taylor's heart every time. "I'm sorry baby girl, I'm so sorry, I'm all done," Taylor murmured.

Without hesitation, Taylor scooped Belle up into her lap, holding her in her comforting arms. Belle's sobs softened, muffled against Taylor's chest as she was rocked gently a stark contrast to the harsh world outside. 

"I love you," Taylor said kissing Belle's forehead.

"I love you too," replied Belle. 

The two sat that way for a while when Taylor felt the familiar sensation of an inevitable sneeze. Her seasonal allergies were making their presence. A fact not many knew about the pop star except those close to her.

 "Hang on sweetheart, I have to sneeze,"Taylor not wanting to ruin the moment with Belle subtly shifted tightening her arms around Belle and turned her head to the side to sneeze.

"Bless you mom," Belle said slightly amused.

"Thanks B," Taylor replied before sneezing three more times. 

"Sorry babe," Taylor apologized, but Belle couldn't help but laugh at the feeling of her mom's body shaking and the randomness of it all.

"There's my girl," smiled Taylor. "Are you feeling any better?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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