⭐️Road trip ⭐️

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"I kinda have to fart" Juliana said as soon as she dropped her bag in the room. "Then fart?" (FARTTTTT) "Jesus Julie sounds like you've been holding that one in since the revolutionary war" Callie responded trying not to cry and throw up at the same time " I have, it's been real tough" Juliana retorts solemnly " yea... I bet. Now I'm gonna go uhm breathe?" Callie says as she runs into the living room laughing.
  "Have you're super awesome cunts of parents tried calling recently?" Juliana says smugly as she leans on the door way leading to the kitchen, arms crossed. Callie scoffs " what do you think? When do they not, like you have two other test subjects leave me alone." Juliana laughs and asks "Have you talked to them yet?" "Hell no. I'm not gonna talk to them for a long while. I'm genuinely surprised my parents actually let me come here with you" Callie says thoughtfully "Well baby I wouldn't think about it too much. I know how anxious you get." Juliana says " yea I do need to work on that huh" Callie says jokingly "not at all baby, not at all".

     Sunday(the day they leave the cabin)

    "I don't want to leave, dude" Callie whines "I know booty, it was fun here but for real I have like a 58 in English because of make-up work" Juliana says truthfully "can you hand me your last bag? We probably need to get on the road" "okay" Callie says pouting while picking up her last bag and handing it off.  "Thank you very much, pretty girl" "mhm you know I try my best to please you" Callie says teasing, walking to her side of the car and shutting the door. Juliana gets in the front seat and buckles up, turning on the car. " alrighty let's get this show on the road" she smiles.
    Callie is scared. No, not scared, anxious. She is anxious because she knows that as soon as she gets home something bad will happen. Being scared is when you don't know what is to come, being anxious is when you know fully well what's about to go down. Juliana and Callie are about one hour away from Callie's house,and she has been freaking out since they got back in the "beautiful" state of Rhode Island. 
       "You know it's going to be okay right?" Juliana states trying to ease Callie's nerves " yeah I know I just can't stop worrying. At this rate I'm going to get ulcers or something." Callie says staring straight ahead. "I think I'm going to take a nap to maybe calm me down" "okay baby, have a good nap. Is the AC okay?" Juliana says worried " yeah it's good thank you Julie" Callie says closing her eyes, falling asleep "you're always welcome, bookie"
    About forty-five minutes later, Juliana is having a mental battle with herself because she doesn't want to wake her beauty from her slumber. "Hey we're about five minutes till we get there, might wanna start waking up" Juliana says as she pats Callie awake. " mmmm okay" Callie says yawning and letting her seat back up getting her shoes back on. Once the girls pull into Callie's drive way Juliana turns to Callie grabbing her hands while stating  " Now if they doing anything, and I mean anything to remotely hurt you, you call me immediately okay?"  "I will don't worry" Callie says smiling and getting her stuff from the front. She gets out  and grabs her bags from the back shutting the door and sighing. She turns to Juliana and waves one last goodbye then walks into her cursed home.


Authors note~

YAYYY oh my gosh that was one heck of a ride bro. We were just coming up with stuff and slapping it on here😭. This is fun 🤩 also if this lowkey sucks please don't say anything I can't take criticism

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