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august 10th. first day of college. after high school i got accepted into the university of connecticut. i applied senior year and got a scholarship near the end.

i entered into an art competition junior year and won against many others which is something i pride myself on.

"okay honey you got everything packed?" my mom asked.

"yes mom for the 3rd time" i joked. she laughed. "ok i just wanted to make sure" she said.

she smiled at me with that proud look on her face. she came in for a hug. "i love you so much honey." she said starting to cry.

i hugged her back. "i love you mom" i said.

me and my mom were the closest. we had to be. my dad left us at 9 for another woman. i didn't learn that until 16 though, which according to my mom, was for my safety.

i was mad at her for at least a year after that. until i realized a 9 year old probably wouldn't process that until 16, and then would just feel lost.

i got in my van and exchanged one last goodbye to my mom. or as she says "it isn't goodbye, it's see you later."

she has that weird 'bad luck' feeling. like when we're walking together she won't let us split the pole or if she accidentally sweeps her feet while using the broom she'll spit on it.

i personally don't believe in any of that crap and think it's just another belief someone created to delude minds, but who am i to stop her.

i made it to the college and found my parking spot. i got there early so i could get to the dorm first. i got my luggage out and headed for the front office. i had a tour during senior year so i knew where everything was at.

it's still as beautiful as i remember. it was brown and sorta like a library. the whole atmosphere was just warm.

i walked to the front desk to get my room number and key. "hello! welcome to the university of connecticut, are you a new student?" the lady asked.

"yes i am." i nodded and smiled. "okay and what is your name?" the lady asked.

"evangeline hart" i answered. she began typing. "okay yes your room is..." she squinted.

"room 5 in hall k" she said. she then turned around to grab a keycard and some papers. "this is your card and welcome papers just telling you where stuff is, basic information, policies, etc." she said while handing the stuff to me.

i grabbed the stuff and held it to my chest. "and that is all there is right now" she said looking around to make sure.

"thank you" i said. "you're most welcome. thank you for choosing the university of connecticut, we're so pleased to have you!" she said back.

i smiled and began walking to hall k. the walk seemed longer than the first time i was touring here way before i got accepted.

i finally made it and saw room 5 on the left side. i swiped my card on the door and it flicked green. i opened the door.

it was your basic dorm room. 2 beds on each side, mini dressers beside them, bathroom on one side, closet on the other.

i was in a bit of a dilemma. out of all the things i thought of how i was going to do things here, i never thought about which side i wanted. the closet. the bathroom.

i thought about waiting to unpack until my roommate got here but only god knows how long that would be. or if she knew what side she wanted.

i decided to go with bathroom. if my roommate has a problem with that, i'm sorry.

i began to unpack. i started with my clothes. i folded them neatly and stuffed them into the dresser. whatever i couldn't fit in the dresser i kept in my suitcase.

i got out some other things. i placed my hygiene stuff on top of the dresser. then i began to decorate my side of the dorm. i hung up some string lights, photos of me and my mom and me and my friends.

i got some posters out like a girl, interrupted one and a billie eilish one. then i hung some of my paintings.

finally, i made my bed. they were colorful of course. i stepped back a little to see my finished product. i loved it.

i've always known when i was older i was gonna get an apartment. i don't love big ones, they're too hard to decorate.

as i was admiring my work my macbook rang. i pulled it out of my suitcase and opened it. it was my mom. i answered it and sat down.

"hi mommy" i said. "hey sweetheart how is everything going?" she asked. "it's going fine, i decorated, you wanna see?" i asked.

"of course i want to." she answered. i moved my macbook around to show her. "that's so beautiful" she gasped. i smiled, "thank you"

i heard some steps towards the door. "oh mom i gotta go i think my roommate just arrived." i said.

"oh okay good luck, i love you" she said. "i love you too." i said hanging up. i switched to youtube and looked for a video to pretend i was watching.

the door unlocked and in came a 5'1 hispanic girl with hair for days. she looked at me and smiled.

"hi i'm lucia but you can call me luci" she introduced herself. i got up to shake her hand. "i'm evangeline but you can call me eva." i said shaking her hand.

"nice to meet you." luci said smiling. she looked at her side of the room. "oh thank god i got the closet side." she squealed. i sighed with relief.

"would you like privacy unpacking?" i asked. "no you're fine" she insisted. i let out an 'okay' before getting back in my bed. i did eventually find something to watch.

the day passed and me and luci got to know each other.

she's from florida but wanted to see the world while also having a good education. she majors in cooking because she wants to become a professional chef.

her parents died in a car crash when she was young so she's been staying with her grandparents. her and her parents used to love cooking together, so that's what inspires her.

we both had sob stories which was great, not because they happened, but because i knew we would understand each other.

i'm glad i made a friend already. college was looking great.

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