Loving who? Him.

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some say i love you, I’d say :
In the silent echoes of eternity,
I would die countless times, yet
resurrect a myriad more, if in
each life, your luminous presence
graced my path. With every breath,
I would surrender to the symphony
of your essence, and with every
exhale, I would fall in love with you
all over again, where rivers overflow,
and existence itself ceases.
I would gladly start again to weave a new tapestry of existence, where every verse is a sonnet dedicated to the poetry of your being. My lips, like
parched pilgrims, would chant your
name as the sacred hymn of devotion,
while my fingertips, like scribes of
destiny, trace the contours of your soul,  etching my love into the very fabric
of reality. In the delicate dance of
our intertwined destinies, your hair would cascade through my fingers
like strands of moonlight, a reminder
that love wears your silhouette.
The tender caress of your skin
against my weathered frame ignites
a flame that illuminates the corridors
of my consciousness, binding my
essence to yours in an eternal embrace.
Even the gods themselves would bow inreverence at the mere whisper of
your breath, as it forms an enchanting  melody that dances upon the airwaves,
weaving dreams from the threads of
reality. My eyes, like wayward wanderers,  seek solace in the radiance of your
gaze, for within the depths of your
glassy gaze lies the compass that
guides my wayward soul.  Without you, the very purpose of
my existence would fade into obscurity,
lost amidst the vast expanse of eternity.
For it is in you, and through you, that each
heartbeat, each breath, is but a testament
to the unwavering devotion that resides
within the sanctuary of my soul.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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