Part 1 Chapter 1: To the Fire and the Fury (Part 1)

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The crackling of flames danced in the air, casting eerie shadows along the walls of the dimly lit caravan. Charani, a young Romani girl with eyes as bright as embers, stood still in the small space, her heart pounding in her chest. She had always felt different, but today, something extraordinary was happening.
As she reached out with trembling hands, tendrils of fire sprang to life around her finger tips, swirling and flicking with an otherworldly glow.
Charani's eyes widened in both awe and fear as she realized the power she held within her grasp.
But as quickly as the flames appeared, they suddenly started to get out of control, engulfing her in a fiery inferno.
Panic coursed through her as she tried to put out the flames, but it was too late.
The flames had already consumed her, searing her skin and singeing her clothes until she had finally collapsed.
When she regained consciousness, Charani found herself in a sterile white room, with the faint smell of antiseptic in the air.
Confusion clouded her head as she tried to remember what had happened.
Visions of a fire danced in her mind, but they felt distant, like echoes of a dream.
But before she could make sense of her surroundings, the door had swung open, and a woman with greying brown hair and hazel eyes stepped inside. She wore a blue pants suit with white flats.

"Ah, you're awake." The woman said, her voice cool and detached.

"My name is Agent Dowling, and I'm here to help you." She whispered.

Charani's heart sank as she realized that she was no longer in the safety of her parents caravan. She was taken by child protective services, mistaken for a victim of neglect or abuse due to the fire that she caused.
Panic welled up inside of her as she fought the urge to escape, but the woman's words stopped her in her tracks.
"I know what you are," Dowling continued, her eyes narrowing with interest. "And I know that you need help harnessing your powers before they consume you."

Charani's breath caught in her throat. How could this woman know about her abilities? And more importantly, why would she want to help her?

Before she could ask these questions, Agent Dowling extended a hand towards her.

"Come with me", she said, her tone becoming softer, "I can offer you a chance to control your powers, to learn and grow in a place where you belong."

Charani hesitated, the fear and uncertainty warring within her. But deep down, she knew she couldn't continue living in fear of her own abilities. With a reluctant nod, she took Agent Dowling's hand, ready to embark on a journey that would change her life forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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