Role Switch

4 1 0

Walter Stienman: Doctor, German
Mia Schneider: Doctor, German

David Miller: Chef, Competitive
Maria Rodriguez: Chef, Competitive

Bill: Scientist, Crazy
Karen: Scientist, Crazy

Merlin: Magician, Nerd
Eugene: Magician, Nerd

John Adams: Artist, French
Karla Anderson: Artist, French

Act 1                         Role Switch                  Scene 1
(Scene starts with intense music)
(Lights come up with what looks like a person is on a table)
(Walter Steinman and Mia Schneider are already on stage looking at the body)

Walter: What happened to this patient?

Mia: Apparently, he ate a controller and other objects that are now stuck inside him

Walter: What, how did he eat a controller?

Mia: I'm not sure, should we try to eat a controller and see how he did it?

Walter: No, That's a horrible idea

(Mia pulls up a controller and tries to eat it)

Mia: It seems I can't eat this

Walter: What is wrong with you?

(Mia awkwardly laughs)
(Mia throws controller away)

Walter: I was going to use that later

Mia: It was in my mouth

Walter: Well, if I cleaned it with bleach it should have been fine

Mia: We should get back to the patient

(Walter pulls sheets off the person)
(Underneath there is no one it's the board game operation)

Walter: Alright...what is his name

Mia: The patient's name?

Walter: No, your boyfriends name

Mia: That's Kind of an inappropriate question, but his name is Justin

Walter: It's not inappropriate I am a doctor I want to know his name

Mia: It is inappropriate you don't need to know my personal life

Walter: None of this is personal

Mia: My love life is

Walter: Your love life is with this patient?

Mia: Yes

Walter: Your joking

Mia: No, of course not

Walter: So, your boyfriend is the patient

Mia: Don't judge my love for the patient

Walter: So, his name is Justin?

Mia: No, its George

Walter: Then who's Justin?

Mia: My middle name

Walter: Your middle name is Justin?

Mia: I would never lie to you

Walter: So, your Mia Justin Schneider

Mia: My dad wanted a boy

Walter: I'm not getting into this

Mia: Right, let's get back to the operation

Walter: George can you hear me

(Random beeps are heard)

Mia: He's dying 

Role SwitchWhere stories live. Discover now