Chapter: Week 1: dinner date.

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Kerra fixed remy braid as Ervin pulled up the drive way to pick her up. "Be careful but also have fun remy" she smiled, remy smiled back at her and walked down the steps as ervin opened the passenger door for her.


"What kind of food do you like?" He asked glancing at her. The two were walking through the city at sun down through not in sight same of his guards were also nere by watching. The city lights flicker on as the shops and restaurant lights shine out to the streets. She smiled amazed by the all colors and signs and thought for a Mommet her fingers lanced behind her back. "Anything sweat and spicy" she smiled looking up at him. He faintly grinned "alright, I know a place".


He opened the door for her as she walked in infront of him. The waiter looked at him and quickly look away as the two sit in the back in a booth. She pick up a menu and smiled surprised at the choices. He stared at her watching her expression, her simple excitement amused him as the place wasn't fancy. both brothers were known very well here. "Order whatever you want short stock".

Remy scans the menu a few times unsure of what to order. She placed the menu on the table. He noticed the frustration and chuckled leaning forward.

The waiter walk over to take their orders for drinks, ervin ordered a beer and remy just wanted water. Glancing back at the menu.

She ended up ordering the spicy dragon, a extremely spicy sushi tray. The waiter was slightly surprised. Ervin ordered miso soup.

She look at him "so besides running the clubs and bars around the city. what do you do for fun?". Ervin faintly grinned at his first thought but knew better to say that to her. "I work on my bikes and go for joy rides". She titled her head "that's it?". He chuckled taking a drink of the beer. "Alright miss interesting what do you for fun?". "Depends in the states I do redo shows with my gran with my horse kill a man". He raised an eyebrow at the name. "He earned that name, he killed two people. Both Men" she smiled. "His a good horse tho and has won plenty of shows for me, gran calls him wise guy cause of his attitude". "Oh So you're good in the saddle" he grins amused as she rolled her eyes smiling. "my father also put me in mma competitions since I was little around the world".


Remy smiled she was still slightly red in the face from the spiciness as she walked next the 6'6 male who both amazed and amused she actually handle the spicy tray. It was late as most places have already closed down for the night. Ervin look at his phone it was 10:48pm, a message pop up. It was from his brother eaven.

( "Are you bringing her back?")

He look up at her as she smiled looking over the railing of the walkway looking down at the lower city lights.

("Not anytime soon")

He placed his phone back in his pocket and walk up beside her. He was enjoying the peace but wounded how long it would last.

He most have Ben staring as he zoned out In thought as he snap too reality to see her in front of him, her hand over his heart. "Do you know what the fastest way to a man's heart is?". He raised an eyebrow smiling "and what's that short stock". "Through his rib cage".

He stared at her as she lightly laughs. He chuckled "why get your hands dirty if a 9 can do in two shots or less". She smiled up to him. He leans down grabbing her chin. He smiled lightly kissing her, she allowed him to deepen the kiss. He pulled away from her and leaned backwards on the railing looking away. She stares at him very red in the face as he looked at her raising an eyebrow. "Remind me to not kiss you after you eat something spicy". She burst out laughing "what's wrong pretty boy can't handle the heat?". 

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