Switching Sides

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After school the next day, Craig and Tweek had told you that you needed to go with them somewhere. Not being really specific about what you guys were doing or where you were going, they just told you to get in the car with them. You didn't really feel the need to ask them any questions, you were just used to his being a normal thing.

However, when you guys drove straight from the school and to Tolkien's house, where a bunch of other cars were already parked, you couldn't help but be confused. Following Tweek and Craig's motions as they got out of the car, you followed them to the front door where they helped themselves inside.

You were quiet, and followed behind the two boys as they brought you to a closed door. Opening the door for you two, Craig waited for both you and Craig to go inside and descent the stairs before following you both after closing the door behind you three. Inside, you could see that there was a large table occupied with the Freedom Pals, who were all sitting, waiting. However, what you didn't expect to see was that Professor Chaos was also sitting in one of the chairs.

"Um... what's going on?" You turned to the boys who brought you here, who refused to really say anything in return.

"We wanted to talk to you." Craig muttered, that's all he said, and all he was going to say until someone else took over the conversation. He was a little upset at you for not only siding with Professor Chaos, but putting yourself in a vulnerable position by becoming a villainess, or someone wielding any kind of power.

Turning your attention over to Professor Chaos, he only nodded at you in return. You wished he'd at least given you a heads up that something was going to happen, give you some time to mentally prepare yourself to meet the entirety of Freedom Pals while you weren't in your costume.

Mysterion took the liberty to stand up from his chair, and clear his throat. "Alright, I guess I'll start this... Y/N. Something strange happened at the baseball game yesterday, right?" He turned his full attention to you.

You placed a finger against your bottom lip, and seemed to be deep in thought about this statement. "Hm... well, the only odd thing that really happened was that the Cows lost their first game in... oh I don't know how long." You then shook your head and shrugged, trying to play it off.

"You know that's not what I'm talking about." Mysterion knew that you were going to start to try and cover for yourself. "You don't need to hide about it, I wanted to give you the opportunity to explain yourself."

"I can't tell you why the cheer squad decided to not cheer that game. If anything, I was so sad because it would've been my very first attending game." You then tilted your head to the side, and knew that this was definitely not what he was referring to. "But I respect their decision. If they're mad at the baseball team, then I'm not going to sit there and tell them they're wrong for having their feelings hurt."

"A strange phenomenon happened, Y/N." Mysterion stepped away from his chair and slowly made his way up to you now. "The same exact phenomenon that happened at the U-Store It the other night. Does that ring a bell?"

"I don't know what you're on about, but fuck you." You crossed your arms over your chest, immediately getting aggressive the moment that Mysterion had shown that he was coming up to you. Standing right in front of you, face to face, he glared deep into your eyes.

You could see that his black eye was more of a greenish-yellow now, as it looked to be in the later stages of healing now. Mysterion was absolutely trying to intimidate information out of you, but you both had already some bad encounters with each other, you weren't intimidated by him anymore.

"I don't know why you hate me so much." Mysterion looked down at you, watching as you looked up at him, returning the same cold stare that he shared. He knew why you didn't like him, and knew he could've done things much better in your second encounter. However, he had no idea how he'd be able to make it up to you; you were a stubborn girl.

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