chapter one

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Danielle walks over and sits down next to me. "Uh, Alex, we need to talk."

"What about?" Grace doesn't usually talk to me, not unless Sean's around. I set down my book and turn towards her.

"Have you seen Sean recently?" She asks me.

"No," so it was about Sean. "Why?"

"Well, he hasn't come home in a few days, and I'm starting to worry."

"Oh, well, I can see what I can do, I'll try calling him tonight."

"Okay, please do that." She looks around before leaning closer and grabbing my wrist, "I just don't want anything bad to happen to him."

"Don't worry," I stand up and shove my book in my bag. "I'll take care of it."

I walk away. When I get about thirty feet away from her, I turn back. She's still sitting on the ground. I watch her bite her nails. When I know she's not looking I sneak behind building and into the alley.

I take out my mobile phone and call Sean.

"Hello," I say when the call goes through.

"Hey, what's up?" Sean's voice is crackly through the speaker.

"Danielle is worrying about you. Says you aren't at home."

"Ugh, of course she is."

"Well, where are you?"

"That doesn't matter, listen, I just made a huge scientific discovery!"

The line cuts away to a bunch of static, a loud thrumming sound in the back.

"Sean, are you still there?" I ask.

"Yeah, sorry. Wait- you should totally come check this out!"

"I can't if you don't tell me where you are." I mumble under my breath. I start walking out, double checking to make sure I don't cross paths with anyone I know- certainly not Danielle.

"Uh, yeah, shoot. Meet me by the library, I'll be waiting for you on the Claremont street side."

"Okay, b-"

The line goes dead.



When I get to the library- not the Claremont side, the Alexandria side- somebody covers my eyes with their hands.

"Sean, seriously?"

He laughs and lets go.

"Come on!" He walks toward the alley behind the library, motioning for me to follow.

"What, back there?" I ask. No way I'm going back there. That's where all the library's trash from after the daycare meetings goes. I should know, I've had to throw out one too many trash cans of spoiled food.

"Yeah, it'll be real quick, promise."

"Okay," I mutter following him.

It does smell. Really, really bad.

But he's true to his word, because we're out almost as soon as we got in.

"Okay, so now I'm going to have to blindfold you."

"Wait, what?" I step back. "Why?"

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