chapter two

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"You gonna call your folks?" I ask after he leads me back to the library.

"I probably should, shouldn't I?"

"I'll go in and check out some books," I head towards the doors. "Come find me when you're done, eh?"


I walk in the library and make my way to the fantasy section. I check out what new books they've gotten.

I see a book called Wicked by Gregory Maguire in the new section. I pick it up and read the back.

"Looking for something in particular or just skimming?"

Are they talking to me? I turn around and see Felix leaning over the counter, looking at me.

"Oh, just skimming, thanks." I answer awkwardly, turning back to the shelf.

"Just my job." He pauses, "What're your summer plans this year?"

"It doesn't matter, why do you care?"

"Just a question. I don't have anything to do here. I've been here for three hours, and I don't know if you can tell, but we're not exactly packed."

"I'm planning on looking at colleges. Not that it matters to you." I mutter, turning to face him again. I lean against the shelf, Wicked still haphazardly open in my hand.

"Sorry for being curious, I'm just bored." He thinks for a moment before shrugging and turning back to an unorganized pile of books. "Not that it's any of my business-"

"Nothing ever is, Diaz."

"-but I wouldn't be caught dead here if it wasn't for my job, so what're you doing here?"

I hold up Wicked and wave it. "Checking out books."

“I had no idea.” He checks the clock and turns back to me. “I only have a half hour left, you staying to hang out with me or what?”

“You’re so funny.” I put Wicked back on the shelf.

“You know just how to flatter me, Moore.”

“Can it.” I push the door open and walk outside. In my haste, I run right into Sean, knocking him over. "Oh my god, sorry!" I tell him.

"It’s fine, I was just coming to get you."

I grab his hand and pull him back up. He dusts off his pants.

"Yeah, Diaz is in there, he's getting on my nerves."

"He gets on everyone's nerves. Let’s just get going, it’s going to get dark soon.”

“Yeah,” I start walking toward the park, a terrible idea apparently.

Once we get past the swings, Sean elbows me in the side and starts laughing.

“What’re you laughing at?” I ask him.

“Look over there, by the baseball diamond,” he says, pointing at the closest dugout.

I turn to the direction of the baseball diamond and see Shannon. “Oh my god.” I sigh, “Can we not just walk around without seeing anyone we know?”

“It’s a small world, Alex.” He shrugs. “Wait, you should totally go talk to her.”

“Haha, funny, no.”

He rolls his eyes and grabs my arm, “Please?”

“Sean, seriously, stop.”

Shannon has been following me around for the past two years, it’s like I can never get rid of her. It’s a real problem, I’d go as far as to say she’s obsessed with me. The only good thing that’s come out of it is she broke up with Felix for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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