Protector ~Solas~ *Part 1*

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A/N: This story does not follow the game a whole lot, it's a little different but it has the characters and it still has magic and whatnot.

~Your pov~

I hurried across the stone road towards my house and opened the door with a smile on my face, calling out to my mother, "I'm here!" I quickly grabbed an apron and joined her in baking sweets for the spring festival in our village. The majority of our village was comprised of elves, but we welcomed everyone who was kind and respectful to others. This festival was particularly significant for us elven women as it marked our coming of age. Those who had reached that stage would wear a white dress, and if someone was interested in them, they could show their affection by placing flowers in their hair - it could be one flower or several, a simple yet sweet gesture.

I helped my mother until the sun started to set behind the horizon. "Go on, get ready," she said as I smiled and rushed to my room. I put on a white dress that stopped at my knees and watched the bottom of the dress dance around in the wind as I twirled. Then, I braided my hair so it rested over my shoulder and walked to the front door where I met with my mother and father. "Shall we?" my father asked as I smiled and nodded. I was so excited to meet someone whom I hope to marry one day.

Upon arriving at the festival, I assisted my parents in setting up their tent and arranging food for everyone. After that, I went on to look for my closest friends - an unusual group consisting of a Qunari named Iron Bull, a human named Dorian, and a dwarf named Varric. As an elven young woman, it was quite unusual for me to be friends with such an eclectic group of people.

My friends and I were chatting about various things when I caught sight of Fenris, a white-haired elf walking with a woman. I became upset since I had a crush on him. Dorian tried to cheer me up by telling me that I would find someone ten times better than Fenris. After thanking him for his kind words, I wandered around the festival and ended up standing beneath a large oak tree away from the crowd. Suddenly, I heard someone speak, "Everyone in this village celebrates the coming of green...yet here you are, by yourself." I jumped and saw a darkly dressed elven man with beautiful teal-grey eyes standing in front of me. He had a strand of twine that wrapped around the bottom jaw of a wolf, which I couldn't tell if it was real bone or not because it was painted black. "It's wooden...and enchanted," he said as he placed his hand on the jawbone. "I am Solas," he introduced himself. "Y/n," I smiled.

"Why are you away from the party, Y/n?" he asked as I blinked. 

"I like watching people," I told him. He arched his eyebrow slightly as I leaned against the oak tree and looked out at the festival. 

"I like watching the people, I like seeing them live their simple lives... our simple lives... though..." I trailed off. 

"Sometimes you wonder what's beyond your village," he spoke as I looked at him. 

"How did you know?" I asked. This was the first time anyone ever understood how I felt sometimes. 

"You've got the look," he smiled as I chuckled a little. 

"True, I yearn for the excitement of adventure... but I don't think I could ever leave my home... it's home. I love it here," I said as he grew quiet.

Solas and I strolled around the festival for some time. He shared his travel stories about his deep exploration into the Fade, where he witnessed old battlefields scarred from wars and made friends with different spirits. Every now and then, he would stop to pick a small white flower. Although he tried to conceal it, I noticed it every time, and it filled me with excitement.

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