part 3

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The grimy, dimly lit galley of the 'Ruffian's Regret' was a far cry from Marshall's cozy pup house back in Adventure Bay. A wizened old parrot squawked insults from its perch, and the stench of burnt fish hung heavy in the air.  A burly pirate woman, her face a roadmap of wrinkles, poked and prodded Marshall's bruised body with surprising gentleness.

"Nasty bump on your head there, lad," she muttered, her voice gravelly but kind. "Lost your eye patch too, seems like. Don't worry, Peg-Leg Pete here can fashion you a new one."

Pete, the aforementioned pirate with the wooden leg, lumbered closer, a mischievous glint in his one good eye. He rummaged through a chest overflowing with trinkets and tattered cloth, finally pulling out a worn leather patch adorned with a skull and crossbones.

"Here you go, Captain Pup," Pete grinned, slapping the patch onto Marshall's injured eye. The name, though awkward on his tongue, stuck. It was a constant reminder of his new, unwanted life.

Days bled into weeks. Marshall, christened 'Captain Pup' by the crew, found himself surprisingly adept at his new role. His agility, honed by years of chasing squirrels and kittens in Adventure Bay, made him a whiz at navigating the ship's rigging. His natural curiosity served him well as he learned to decipher faded treasure maps and star charts.

Captain Blamey, a harsh but surprisingly fair leader, saw the potential in Marshall. He pushed him, testing his limits both physically and mentally. Marshall learned swordsmanship, his movements swift and unpredictable, making him a formidable opponent despite his small stature. He devoured stolen books on navigation, the constellations becoming his new guiding lights.

Yet, a part of him remained frozen in time. He dreamt of Adventure Bay, of the warmth of his pup house, the camaraderie of the PAW Patrol. He missed Everest's playful nips and the way her fur smelled of fresh snow.  Guilt gnawed at him – he had been declared lost at sea, presumed dead.  Were they searching for him? Did they even care?

One stormy night, as Marshall stood watch at the helm, a glint on the horizon caught his eye. A familiar red light, pulsing against the dark canvas of the night sky. His heart lurched. It couldn't be…

As the ship drew closer, the unmistakable silhouette of the PAW Patroller emerged from the storm.  His old life colliding with his new one, Marshall felt a storm brewing within him.  Would they recognize him?  Would they even try to save him, or would they see him as a pirate, an enemy?

The answer would arrive sooner than he thought.

pirate marshallDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora