• B I T T E R •

14 0 0

Tw - blood, mentions of sexual assault.

I must have slept till morning because i was awoken with warm rays of sunshine, shining down on my face. The sound of birds whistling in the background could be heard from miles away. First day today, let's make it count.

I finally sit up after just laying in bed for 10 minutes, doing absolutely nothing but staring at the ceiling and contemplating my life choices. I rub my eyes to get the blurry effect to wear off, to then seeing Melody fast asleep on the other side of the room. 

I decide to take a shower before waking her up, since it was only 6:30 am. We still have time. 

Whilst i'm in the shower, my mind is racing, as per usual, and then it clicks in my head that tonight is also the slytherin party. I have nothing to wear so i have to think of something before sundown. 

After getting out of the shower, getting changed in my uniform and fully prepared for class, i step out the bathroom to see Melody still in bed. I may or may not have forgotten to wake her up. The clock reads 7:20am, we have to go to breakfast at 7:30am then class at 8:00am..


"Melody?! Wake up, quick!" I exclaim whilst aggressively shaking her. Not the nicest way to wake someone up but she's a deep sleeper.

"5 more minutes, motherr..." she says sarcastically, not realising that she has 10 minutes to get ready. 

"No you dimwit, YOU HAVE TEN MINUTES TO GET READY!" I reply whilst pulling the blanket off of her.

"WHAT, WHY DID YOU NOT WAKE ME UP!" She screams, jumping out of bed and running around the room like a lost puppy.

"I was going to, but it was still early and i lost track of time in the shower..." lost track as in - crying, having a full blown party, singing, thinking.. whatever, you name it. 

She was still frantically running around then she slams the bathroom door shut and everything goes silent. I felt terrible. I would not want to get ready in just ten minutes.

I sit on the edge of my bed, bobbing my leg up and down as i keep eyeing down the clock and the next thing i know, Melody opens the bathroom door, fully dressed and ready for breakfast - in only 13 minutes. She amazes me sometimes.

"Woah, how the hell did you- whatever lets go." I mutter, still in shock as i grab my bag, exiting the dorm with her following behind. Yes we were late, by a bit, but it's just breakfast.

When we enterthe great hall, students were already seated and chomping down on their breakfast. We head to the slytherin table to see Astoria and Pansy already sitting down, so we join them. 

"Where have you two been?" Astoria asks as she stares at Melody who is trying to fix her hair since she was in a rush to get ready. 

"Uh little incident, but it's whatever..!" I say, taking a bite of my toast, not daring to look at Melody, knowing she is death staring me. 

You know when you get that weird feeling that someone is watching you. I felt that instantly from the moment i sat down. I don't want to make it obvious but i start to look around the hall trying to see if anyone had their eyes on me, but i saw no one, watching at least. 

Exhaling, i look back down to my plate, trying to forget about it. That was until, from the corner of my eye, i spot a dark pair of obsidian eyes staring at me from along the slytherin table. Those pair of eyes belonged to one person and one person only. 


He continues staring at me, not breaking eye contact which kind of forces me to stare back at him, like a staring contest. The tension was building up by the second, neither of us wanting to be the first to break off. I was committed, a bit too committed but my attention span is not long.

Bitter rivals, Sweet love • m.r.Where stories live. Discover now