♡︎ A - Affection ♡︎

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Do they show affection? How affectionate are they? How do they show it?


"D'aww.. c'mere, you!"
Even with her platonic friends, she enjoys small gestures such as an affectionate hand on the shoulder, or a small hug- why would she be any different with her wonderful partner? Charlie is quite physical, but is very good with her words as well. She absolutely gives you 101% of her love, surprising you with small hugs, holding your hand when walking around, and resting her head on your own. Always up for pep-talks when you're feeling bad, and compliments when you've achieved something, the Princess of Hell is the your biggest cheerleader!

"Sorry, I.. I'm not good with words."
Vaggie is aggressive, short-tempered, and deadpan- but that doesn't change the fact that she loves you very much. More of the type to do acts of service, she enjoys doing small tasks for you as your reaction always brings a small smile to her face. Whether it's making your guys' bed, or setting out an outfit for you the next day- she wants to be useful to you, and you couldn't appreciate it more.

"Give me some sugar, hot-stuff!~"
Knowing him, Angel Dust heavily relies on physical affection to get his point across. Since he can't spend all his time with you (unfortunately, he has work), he likes to make use of them small bits he does. Tons of cuddles, mischievous kisses, and gentle holding of one another makes his heart simply melt. He may tease and flirt with you, and even in private he does, but he is much more genuine with you when you're alone. You'll never know just how much holding him in your arms means to him.

"Come, come, dear! It's time to go out."
Alastor is.. odd, to say the least. He is not keen on receiving affection, but is more than happy to give it! In small amounts, that is. His favorite form of affection, however, is quality time; taking a walk through the familiar town streets with your arms interlocked always brings him great solace and comfort. Gentle, chivalrous kisses on your hand or knuckles when he sees you for the first time of the day, and he enjoys touring you through his favorite places in the Pentagram.

"Tell anyone about this and you're dead- got it?"
Husk is a man of very little words, yet when he does it's typically insulting and gruff. However, he has seen a lot in his time and is quite wise, so he is very detailed and gives great explanations on how dear you are to him. He isn't the type for 'cutesy' couple activities, so sitting and chatting with him at the bar is his favorite part of the day. Whether you're talking about your day, your friends, your life- anything. He may act ignorant here and there, but he does genuinely listen to your stories- in fact, he finds them quite endearing, A fact he will never admit to anyone.

"Come on! Just one taste?"
Niffty, like Alastor, is an odd one- but not in the same way. Her method of affection truly depends on her current mood, but you've noticed she's keen on tackling you (despite her small size) and hugging you close to her small frame, rubbing her face into your chest like a small animal. Whether it's specifically commenting about your scent, bringing you dead bugs she'd recently killed as gifts, or embracing your legs as you walk, Niffty is never embarrassed to express her love for you. In a weird way, you admire her bold nature.

"You're absssolutely sssplendid!"
Due to being such a genius inventor, Sir Pentious takes pride in whatever little gadget he decides to make you as a gift. It could be a wildly unnecessary weapon for your safety, it could even be your very own Egg Boi- you always questioned where he'd gotten such supplies and how he was able to work so quickly. Although the items were useless at time, you couldn't help but admire his determination to bring you joy, and you were always excited to see what little present he'd make you next.

"Come on, ya pussy! It'll be fun!"
Cherri is a wild card, typically enjoying scenes with lots of people and lots of drinks. She'd drag you to a party with her if you ever asked to go out, having you do lines or shots with her. Although she'd say to go wild, she'd secretly be keeping an eye on you just in case. If parties aren't your scene, she'd just like to take you to a public event to spend time and let loose with you. She isn't one for mushy affection, so she'd cherish the moments she had with you- even if it's something as 'boring' as relaxing at home- her words, not my own.

"Oh, this? It's nothing, doll."
Being an overlord and head of the largest technology company in Hell naturally gives you lots of money- and Vox would be damned if he didn't spoil you with gifts every chance he got. Too busy with interviews, work, or simply spying on his nemesis, Vox would buy you trinkets and doo-dads he knew you'd enjoy to keep you from complaining. Although, he can be quite the romantic when it comes to words- he finds gifts much more efficient and less time-consuming. And you've been happy so far- anything for you, of course.

"Let me spoil you, amor.. don't run.~"
If Angel Dust was physical, Valentino is 10x worse. He'd lure you out with honeyed words and expensive gifts, and then use your body to his hearts content. Long, steamy kisses between shoots, knowing looks, lingering touches- Valentino knows what he wants and he'll be damned if you don't give it to him. You knew what you signed up for when agreeing to date him- he is an overlord in Hell, after all. Love-bombing at its absolute worst.

"Stay still, darling. This'll only pinch.."
Velvette is constantly on top of things and busy with work, so she would be similar to Vox in the way she'd send you expensive gifts to keep you busy. Despite this, however, she keeps you close during work and uses you as her model whenever her others bail- no matter, as you have 'the perfect body' for it, as she says. She uses sweet words to make you comply, like her co-workers, and bombards you with praise each time you follow her instructions well. Afterwards, she'll take you out- her treat, of course! She's generous like that.

"Eden's beauty pales in comparison to your own."
Like his daughter, Lucifer is one for tight hugs and soft words, though he tends to lean more towards words of affirmation. He is extremely talented at finding synonyms for what he loves about you, and being able to perfectly explain how he feels and why he feels this way. His words keep you grounded, yet light-headed as your heart skips beats. He, of course, spoils you to Hell and back, however, using his authority to his advantage to make sure you're comfortable and happy, unlike Charlie. He'll even make your own rubber duck if you asked.

"I'm fucking Adam! I can do whatever the fuck I want!"
As first man and leader of the exorcists, Adam has power and he damn well knows it. He'd spoil you rotten, but is always torn between bragging about it or hiding the fact he cares from you. Woah, how did that thing you were eyeing earlier get in here? So weird.. must be magic or something! He's extremely touchy with you, almost always having a hand somewhere on your body wherever you go. Honestly, he'd enjoy anything low-effort. Despite having such a respectable yet difficult job, he really could care less and would much rather lounge around with you on the couch than constantly plan overpriced fancy dinners.

"It's no problem- anything for you."
Dedicated to her work, Lute is just as dedicated to you and your needs, if not more. She would do anything you need, completely smitten. You're carrying something? She's stronger, she'll handle it. Need your dry cleaning picked up? She's already on her way. Don't feel like making dinner? No need to even lift a finger. Even though she takes pride in her acts of service, she tends to act bashful whenever you point them out and express your appreciation. Even though she's supposed to be a feared soldier, she can't help but drop the act around you- well, at least a little bit,

~1448 words.

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