off my face - veronica x ri-han

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credit : @mikqkr0smos, @fqiryluvers (IG)

i'm off my head
in love with you
i'm out my head

so into you
and i don't know how you do it
but i'm forever ruined
by you

it wasn't a great day for veronica romanova. somehow, her father had gotten ahold of her current phone number, and decided to worm his way into her life once again, despite the former cutting contact with him a couple of years prior. you'd think over time people could change. but apparently, not everyone does- nothing new came up over that phone call, still begging her to come back to a place she could never call home again, live a controlled life according to what her father wanted. of course, veronica protested, then the older man tried to force his wishes on his daughter- leading to a full blown argument- which is probably why veronica found herself having a few drinks in a bar uptown, having cocktail after cocktail a little faster than intended.

minutes to hours passed. veronica could already feel the effects of the drinks dousing her senses. veronica felt slightly mellow, her vision going in and out of focus, high as if she was floating.

"having fun?" a voice she knew asked from beside her.

she almost didn't notice evan sitting next to her if he hadn't spoken. veronica's attention snapped to him, greeted with a familiar face, a boyish smile. her response tinged with a hint of sarcasm and a slight slur betraying her intoxication as she took another generous sip from her glass.

"depends on what you define as fun," veronica replies simply, before taking another long sip from her vibrantly-colored drink.

evan simply grins at her response, deciding to order himself a virgin drink. with veronica already clearly intoxicated, he'd decided that at least one of them ought to stay sober to keep things under control.

"i don't know.. drinking sounds fun.." he trailed off for a few seconds, as if he were contemplating what to say next.

veronica's phone next to her buzzes, and she picks it up, briefly looking at the screen before slamming it back down. from a short glance, evan saw a glimpse of what might have put veronica in such a foul mood that evening- a text from her father. as a long-time friend of hers and someone who also struggled with his relationship with his dad, it all fell into place.

his ordered drink arrives after a few minutes, and evan himself takes a sip, "we could also get up and dance." he glanced around the near-dead bar. "sure there's no music and we'd be the only ones, and we may even get kicked out. but it'd be fun." he half-joked, as an attempt to lighten up his friend's mood.

veronica's eyebrows furrowed at the suggestion, giving evan a funny look, while seeming slightly amused. "you're suggesting we dance? in public?" she lets out a laugh at the idea, though it didn't seem like she was ridiculing him.

as the barista passes the two of them, veronica orders another drink, downing the glass as quickly as it arrived. she then turns her attention back to evan, a playful smirk curling at her lips. "now this is probably just all the alcohol talking for me, but... i'll dance if you'll dance with me," she suddenly blurts out.

if it wasn't obvious enough before that veronica was drunk out of her mind, now it was. evan knew that sober veronica would rather be caught dead than do something a little stupid like dance in a public space where no one else was.

but dancing was harmless, wasn't it? how bad could it be?

evan takes this as a cue to stand up and offer his hand to veronica, a teasing and playful look on his face.

LOVELY MOMENTS : a compilation of oneshots and drabblesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora