Chapter 6: Killing another night guard

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I opened my eyes and then realised it was 12' am. I couldn't leave the stage on the night guard's first night, so I had to tell Bonnie and Chica to get the night guard. "Bonnie," Bonnie looked at me. "go get the night guard." I said.

"Yes, sir." Bonnie said as he walked off the stage.

I then looked over at Chica. "Chica, go ahead and get the night guard."

Chica nodded. "Okay, Fred." Chica then walked off the stage and headed to the office.

I sat there for three hours and then heard the power shut down. It's my turn. I thought as I made my way to the office. Now, it was time to play my "Toreador March" tune. I stood there at the door and then let my eyes glow and my tune play. He is moving. I guess I have to kill him now. I thought as I quit my tune and then walked in the dark office until I was standing at his feet. I soon let out a screech and then lunged at the night guard, grabbing on to his shoulders and biting his neck. I watched as the red, gooey liquid came spraying from his neck as he made choking sounds from his gash.

"N-no...*cough*...I can't d-die...I have a...*cough, cough, cough*...wife...*cough*...a-and k-k-kids." The night guard choked out as blood came spilling out of his mouth and neck.

I watched him as he fell to the ground and twitch a bit before taking his last breath. He was gone. "That was fun." I said as I wiped the blood from my lips.

"You killed the night guard?" I turned around and saw Bonnie.

"Yeah, he ran out of power. Were you close?" I asked.

Bonnie nodded. "Yeah, I was real close, but he closed the door on my face." Bonnie answered as he scratched behind his neck.

I smiled. "You wanna help me stuff this guy in a suit?" I asked.

Bonnie nodded again. "Sure."

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