The Bigining

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So how do I start huh?
Let's just say my life isn't easy, its wired and haotic.

Hi my name is Dia not acually Dia its just my nickname, i don't want to tell you my real name, sorry.
Writing this part i'm now 20 years old. Something about me
I am an amotour artist i like to project designs, like new clothes or something. I also run an e-sport team i created, we're playing valorant and LoL. By now i live in my parents house wich is more like psychiatric center, don't judge me for my words but my siblings and my parents are horbile as part of familly. Since i start drawing or talking about makeup and nails my sister were jealous bcs of my creativity. Until this day i see their work looking boring, like someone made this already but they call it their work bcs it has different colours. Talking more about my childhood i have too two brothers the oldest one didn't changed from how he were when i was a kid, i don't want to say it but i have to, he was fat until today he is fat. So what did my the oldest sibling did? When i was child he was sitting on my face/head, (makeing you remember he is fat) he was farting on my fricking face and he tought it was funny, i need to say when i was a kid he was already an adult, like now im 20 years old and he's now 32years old. Another thing he did to me was makeing me kiss his fat belly and he called this belly mr. Pempuszek, I was traumataized and thats not the end. You thinked it was end? HA good joke. Back to the things he did to me he was robbing his feets into my face (the sweety dirty feets with all bacterias) and socks trying stck them into my mouth, it was disgasting. We're not ending here. He was tickling me, and you're like "huh whats bas about tickling?" It was bad bcs i wasn't laughting bcs of tickling, i was screaming bcf of his tickling he always was makeing it painful i always was screaming: "stop it hurts stop!", if i could describe this pain it was like pilling off your skin with nails. Also he was sitting on my back and we did not let me move bcs of it now i have claustrophobia, when ever im in small area where i can't move or someone is grabing my feets and arms and don't let me move im starting to panic. At this point i don't remember any more tortures of my oldest brother.

So now let's start talking about my younger brother, (i did not mention i am the youngest sibling in my family) i always liked him even if he was really territorial and what i mean is whenever my mother come to his room and she was putting not his things in his room he was throwing them out of the room. I don't really blame him for this our moom was always putting not our things in ours room untill today bcs she dont want go to the attic and put them there or just throw them into thrash. Back to my brother whenever we went to his room me and my sister or just us we were pulled out of the room too, like we were mopping the floor with our bodies it would be nothing wrong with it expect there was room threshold and going thro this was painful it was a lil but sharp. Expect that i dont really have any problem to my second oldest brother, he was preety funny. There was one some times when me and my sister were going sleep (yes we 3 had been sliping in one room) and our brother just came in with his phone and turned on zombie and scelethons sounds from minecratlft, i was laughting always bcs my sister was terryfaied, but than he was starting to tickilng us and it was not painful it was normal tickling that makes your belly pain bcs of laughting ( I must say i hate tickling in any way i don't like the tickling pain). My second oldest brother is acually the best member of my familly he was teaching my playing games and i have really good memories with him, he replaced me father who was a kind of a bitch till today, but lets not talk about him now it's not his part. We have the same sence of humor, like we do stupid things, like some times we are in kitchen together makeing food we are starting to make wired noises and start to make an npc fight or pokemon fight, bcs the are in rounds and we are meming old games and animations. He is the best brother i have.

Now then about my sisters, they are twins and they are the most childlish persona i ever meet. The older sister was always complaing about that she is older by one minute to the other twin. They are not identical twins and they were doing everything to show they are not identical twins like everyone didn't noticed this, but oh boy their character the are both bad persons. Younger twin was always selfish parents princess bcs when she was bron she were born with disabilities bcs she was taken out wrong by doctors in birth. The oldest twin in birth was the one that make the birth to come out in that time bcs she was dying, when she was born she was so small, after she been taken out she went to the incubator (its machine for babies that keep them alive, itw nit like the incubator for the chicken eggs). Back to the younger twin, when ever she made something bad she was talking parents on me and they always beloved her bcs everyone was telling that i was a lair. Everything she sayed was belived by our parents and i always get being spanked. Yes i was born in time where punching kids in reform were normal. But in some time i made my parents see that my princess sister were telling on my whike she did something bad, but you know what my parents reaction was when ever the situation was? They were like
"They she is lying again, but maby shes right the other one alwats telling on her. Nah i dont care you both are graunded(they are taking our things like phone and laptop)". My parents had so many kids that they just stop care while i was a kid, i was the most ignored and unloved one there. Just when ever i was showing how i draw something creative for kid in my age my sister were like "you can't draw" and what lil me did? I stoped drawing and stoped dreaming of being in art school or in graphic school. The time when i start saying i wanna be a beautician, the other sister were like "you don't know how to do makeup" and what lil me did? Ofc i stoped of dreaming of that and school about that. After some years they told me they were jealous, i mean they sayed sorry kind off but they destroyed lil me dreams. So how i ended up after reaching 8 class of primary school? I ended up in high school of informatic + e-sport class ( im still in that class right now). Yeah its totally the same as makeup and arts ;D, but im glad i ended up in this school people i met there are so kind expect one person that is too stupid even if i would send this to her she wouldn't understand anything bcs she don't understand english. Till now my both sisters are on studies so i don't see them everyday and im glad of that, they are horbile persons to live with, i mean my dad i worse but this twins are drinking my sufering. In something about 7 moths my sister (older twin) gave me hers computer and i could play on it and stream on it, but there was a tricks i needed to clean her room the cats toilet and the computer sounds coola right i am useing her computer. Apperantly every time she some home from studies she was complaing abut bad smeell from cats toilet and my parents too, every time she came she was talking abut how bad i was cleaning her room, i have my own room too you know that right? So i was like her fuckimg made and that not my problem she came back home in time when cats just used the litter box and ofc it will smell bad bcs they used it right now and it was my fault. One time she changed password so i could not play on computer was bcs off i argue with her bcs she was bitch to me in game, she was flameing me saying that she is better than me so i sayed a few words and she could take it that her servent was arguing with her. I did not apologize to her i showed her that i can live without her computer i am strong women and she ended up apologizing to me, so win to me. The next time she changed to passowrd she did it bcs cats eat meat, sounds stupid right? The situation acually looked different than you think and in my house there are rules, cats can't go dawn stars. You ask me why? Its bcs my parents don't like cats and also my dad is alergic to them but he knows about it only year, cats could never have been in parter rooms. So about the meat incident, i don't have doors to my room its important to remember. I took cats to my room but you still don't abut it that i have dog (husky) and she likes to make living things her toys so cats dont like her and they wont come down stairs until shes home and shes always home at night. But my second oldest brother the time when i took cats to my room to sleep with them, he let the dog out at 5:00 am bcs he was going to work and when he lived cats come dawn stairs and my parents lived meat on the table. I dont know anyone who is living their meat for a whole day and night in living room, i only know my parents do that. And when i was sleeping cats come dawn stairs and eat that meat, when i woke up i with my dad scream at me i only seen a pooring ginger cat next to me so i did not know what did they do, bcs befere i went sleep i went to the kitchen and check if there is any meat outside, but i didn't check living room where the meat was. Common how could i know there was a meat? Why my parents dont put the meat in the fridge, its not my fault dog wasnt protecing down stairs and i like sleep with cats they are cute and i love their pooring. So this is why my sister tooked the computer from me next time, bcs of the cats. The servent fucked up i guess.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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