Married life 😮‍💨👟

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Taehyung drove away to the mansion first because Jennie had to pack her things. It wasn't a lot in the first place. Growing up, she only had to live with hand me downs and things bought from the thrift store. She was happy to live a new life but scared, more like terrified of what's going to happen after this. Bleh... the thought of sharing a room, no, a bed has her all ready to puke. He was not that cold but the bold move he did yesterday was still haunting Jennie. She wasn't mad nor happy. She figured it would be good to stay in the wedding dress although it was suffocating her like crazy. What if Taehyung already changed into normal clothing? It would be better to just wear the same thing for now. Jennie couldn't breathe but she really wanted to make a good first impression. As a lawfully wedded wife.


"Come in." Taehyung's cold voice could be heard when she rang the doorbell.

"You changed into normal clothes?" Jennie asked when she saw him changed into an oversized shirt and slacks topped with a beanie.

"Oh, yes and you're still in your wedding dress?" Taehyung asked softly and felt that he was troubling his wife.

"Can I change into normal clothes too?" Jennie asked and the amount of pain the dress caused her was so visible.

Wait! I ordered a few clothes for you and I want you to see if they are your style. And I recommend not wearing that dress again... it's obviously suffocating you." Taehyung said and picked up the TV remote.

"Right." Jennie was blank. She walked into the room and it was HUGE. She looked around the room and closed the blinds to get rid of the suffocating dress. She saw one of the clothes there and wore it. It fits like a glove! She plopped on the bed for awhile but then she remembered that Taehyung would wait for her. She went down carrying the dress and asked him where the laundry room was.

"Oh, come on. It's okay. The maids will do the work." Taehyung said giving her a reassuring smile. Jennie insisted so she walked up and down to find that laundry room. When she finally did, she was sweating like crazy. She just washed the dress and did all the necessary things to get the machine going.

"Uh... is there anything to eat?" Jennie asked.

"No... but I can make you something?" Taehyung asked with a smile on his face.

Jennie could feel her heart race and butterflies move to every single part in her body. How attractive of men if they can cook...

"You don't have to trouble yourself." Jennie was always the modest one.

"Ugh! Stop being so modest!" He was acting rather zesty.

"I'm so sorry."

He just stood up and kissed her deeply.
"That's what you get for being such a scaredy cat."

She knew it wasn't something to want again. But she couldn't help it. Being modest was part of her genes.

"You want samyang?" Taehyung asked.

"Yes! Thank you." She thanked him genuinely.

He readied the samyang while looking at her face. So bubbly and cute.

"There's a party later. You wanna come?" Taehyung said to break the awkward silence.

"Uh-okay." Jennie replied.

"Let's go."

AT THE PARTY |||||||||||||||

Jungkook, Taehyung, Namjoon and Jimin were having drinks while Jennie was talking to a few girls.

She was wearing a blue dress that was off shoulders again. This dress really embraced her personality and the way she looked. Taehyung really couldn't keep his eyes off of her. She looked so pretty when she smiled. He didn't get it. What was so scary about Kim Taehyung!?

"You won the jackpot Tae." Jimin the flirty one, said with a smirk on his face.

"What do you mean?" Taehyung asked in the meantime also drinking the beer.

"Oh, just look at her. So pretty and vulnerable. You're lucky dude." Namjoon added.

"Listen, I only married her because of her family problems. I never wanted to do anything that'll hurt her, me or her family. If you guys are really my friends I suggest you guys please just leave it."

"Woah, chill man. Just chill. We have beer remember?" Jungkook tried to calm them down.


"I go home now." Taehyung was obviously drunk. Jennie bid goodbye and put his arm around her shoulder for support. She bought him to the nearest hotel room and laid him down on the bed. Just when she was about to leave, Taehyung pulled her towards him making her look below to see Taehyung's eyes that were piercing through her soul. She tried to back away but he kissed her immediately. She could not help but cry. She doesn't like this type of things but she has to cope with it. Taehyung then pulled her beside him and cuddled with her.

Hi Lovely People!! We finally hit words!!!!!! I'm so happy cause we never really reached 851 words. Ok yall hope you guys enjoyed and yeah... remember to vote for this story

It doesn't have to be real. | TAENNIE [DISCONTINUED]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum